Some Pics From My Stand


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Here are some of the better deer I've seen over the past 2 weeks. Sorry for the quality, but these were all extracted from video I shot, so some are a little blurry.

Here's a mature 8 point that I've seen every morning I've hunted this particular stand. He walks the same trail at about the same time of day every day. It will probably change as soon as the major portion of the rut kicks in, which will probably be next week with the full moon.


Next up is a 21 inch wide 9 point. He came in late in the afternoon to check out a decoy that I had set up. At first I thought he was a young deer, but after I watched the video, it's obvious that he's really, really old and headed downhill. I probably should have shot him, but I had only spent about 30 seconds looking at him through my binos and then spent the next 5 minutes shooting video. On first look he sure looked like a young deer to me.


Another shot of the 9 point and a smaller 8 point that he chased off.


And finally, this is the biggest buck I've seen this year. He came in Sunday morning with several does. I only got about 5 seconds of video since he was big enough to really get my attention. I field scored him at about 145 - 155, but.....he was only 4 years old. Very symmetrical 10 point, about 19 to 20 inches wide with really good tine length on all of his points. Hated to let a buck like this walk since 150 is about as big as most get in this particular region, but it was the right thing to do.


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I get 1 buck per county. The ranch where these were taken has about 4000 acres in one county and 3000 in another, so I can take 2 bucks as long as I go to the other side of the ranch to do it. All of these were in a single county. In fact, I haven't been to the other side of the ranch yet to hunt, but one of the other guys took a shot at what he described as a "big" 10 point and missed. I'm not sure I completely trust his assessment of what "big" is.

Lots of rain this year and the horns are showing it.

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Well, here's the 10 point that got missed two weeks ago. The hunter (not the same guy that originally missed him) rattled him in on 4 consecutive mornings. The first 3 times, he never got a shot because of the thick brush, but the fourth time was the charm. He was shooting a new custom built 6.5x284. Had some very good on-game performance from the round.



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