short hunt-smoked one with the ml'er


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Thanks again everyone.

I love that first pic with the background blurred like that. Awesome!

Yeah, not sure how she managed that pic, think it was pure accident but she will never admit it. LOL. It was not completely dark when we found him, only pic we had that the background was not dark. Seriously though, my daughter does a great job with helping and I could not be any more proud of her. Hoping next big buck that comes off our farm is hers or my wifes.

Congratulations William! I'll bet he has some of the same genetics as your buck last year.

We think so too Frank, although he is weak on the opposite side of last years buck. Got at least one more wide one that was around through the opening weekend of our rifle season.

Congrats William it is always nice to get the ol smokepole out and put it to use. I am sure that your honey helped you drag it out and field dress it right?:angel1:

Way to go

Have a good holidays to the entire family


Thanks Kirk, hope you and your wife had a great Thanksgiving. Yep, enjoy the ml'er season for sure, this was the best one I have managed to take with the ml'er.

Was not much of a drag, Catrina and the kids did come out and look when we pulled up and Catrina did come back out for a few minutes while Christina was helping me quarter the deer.

Dang, bud. That's a great buck. He'd go on my wall, for sure! Congrats!


Yep, in the freezer now, need to get him to the taxidermist. Awkward fit in the freezer, my wire baskets in the top don't fit quite right with the head in there. Still have not gotten my buck back from last fall from the taxidermist, need to call him today, maybe I can get this one in and pick up last years in one trip.

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