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So far this fall I have downed two does. I got one in Kansas with my Knight Bighorn using a .452 300 grain Hornady XTP in a Harvester crush rib sabot with 85 gr of 2f real bp. I shot it at a lasered 77 yds. I aimed just a tad high and took her backbone out which was good as she was only 2 steps from leaving the property.

The other was shot in the early PA doe only muzzy season at about 25 yds with the same setup. It had just stopped raining so everything was soaking wet so it was real hard to find any blood in the grass where it ran. I went to the edge of the thickest tangle around where it ran into. It was getting dark by now and there were a bunch of red and spotted red maple leaves all over. I did find blood at the edge of the thicket but my light was not very good. My son and I decided to go back to the house and get some real light and give it a little time to lay up. We got back and picked up the trail again and only about 25 yds from where we stopped the deer lay dead. When I field dressed the deer I found that half the heart had been blown to bits but that deer still ran over 70 yds into that tangle of briars, thorns and brush. By the time we got that deer out I think I left as much of a blood trail as the deer. Actually with good lights we could follow the trail very easily. I was just amazed that a deer could run so far with no heart. A couple of days later my son got his doe with the same setup as mine and even though he absolutely destroyed both lungs that deer ran about 70 - 75 yds before piling up. Man I just love those Hornady 300 gr XTPs.

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Congratulations on your ml'er success. Yep, killed a buck with the ml'er Wednesday afternoon. Posted the story and pics in the deer room.

Really like the xtp mags here, using the 240 grainers pushed by loose pyrodex, gun likes that combination too. Left one heck of a blood trail, took out the top of the heart, deer did not go far.

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Took a button buck (thought it was a doe :D) in the U.P. on Monday with my Encore. Was about a 25 yard shot, if that. He was facing me, put his head down and smoked him. Normally wouldn't take that shot at any other distance, but at 25 yards, even with open sights it was a perfect shot. Dropped him where he stood. This is the third deer I have taken with it. The first one I used 250gr Hornady SSTs, about a 50 yard shot, the deer went about 60 yards before falling over. The last two I have used 300gr XTP mags and have dropped both of them at 20 and 25 yards. I love ml'er hutning :D:D

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