groundblind setup


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People been showing pics of and from their stands, how about blinds?

Have had a really good feeling about this setup this year since well before we set up the ground blind over a month ago. Another forum member may recognize this spot. Bottom is dry, first time in several years that the willow thicket on our side has been dry, prime bedding ground, and there is evidence that the deer are using it again. Got one one of Christina's 4h food plots down there, the deer kept the beans in that plot ate to the ground all summer long. Lots of cedars worn out on the hillside, some real good sign down there. Figure the rut should have the deer pushing through the bottoms, walked Christina out there this morning her first hunt on her own. She passed up 4 point early on.

Can you see the blind? lol.


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Guess no one could see the blind, blends pretty well.:disolve: View from the pic above is from down at the edge of the river down in the bottom, blind is about 2/3rds of the way up that hill between a couple cedars.

A few shots from behind the blind. Should produce some better activity at some point. Had 3 deer push out of the far end during the youth hunt just before legal shooting light. All Christina saw yesterday was a 4 point, she had good shot opportunities on it but not quite what she is after.



Cedar thrashed just out of the view from this blind.


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