One very proud daddy!


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I'm not really sure what to say. Avery turned 10 in September and yesterday 11-20-10 he killed his first deer. He was shooting my Browning 270 WSM and made a 120 yard shot on this great doe. I told him to put it on her shoulder and squeeze the trigger and that, he did. (next time I'll tell him to put it behind it a little...:o) She plowed about 10 yards to her death. Dads with kids out hunting, I finally know how it feels to have your child kill a deer. I know Avery was excited but, I doubt it was as much as me. My legs were shaking and my heart was pounding so hard I thought for sure I was going to have the "big one". :D Here's Avery's (aka Nubbybuck) first deer.


Now, If that wasn't enough. Today Avery made another 120 Yard shot on this awesome buck! You just don't know how proud I am. He held it all together to make two great shots. Afterwards there were many "high fives", hugs, and "I love you's". Here's Avery's second ever deer kill.


To Avery,

Thanks buddy, I had the two best days of hunting I will ever have. :)

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