Big Illinois Bucks


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OK here is a confirmed story by a friend of mine. A guy is hunting 80 acres he owns by park ground for a bruiser buck he has been after a couple of years. He is shotgun hunting and see's it coming down the trail, he pumps 3 shots at the giant and it never breaks a walk.

It walks down the field edge to the road where it is promptly smacked by a car and killed.

Heres the good part, the buck field dresses at 315 pounds, he has hooves as big as a cow, he has 22 points, and has a 36.5 inch inside spread. Thats right 36.5 inside!

It had traffic stopped to a traffic jam as people were stopping to see it, my buddy had the tape measure that meased the spread.

Now for the great part....... the hunter wrote a check to the guy that hit the deer for.....................................$5000.00 to get his trophy back.

Can you belive that it played out like that? I will try to get some pictures from someone and get it posted up.


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I have tried to get ahold of anyone who may have a picture of this deer and to no avail, I know 3 shots in a deer should put him down and I agree with those who think this is bull. But I am normally not one to tell stories, maybe I should have kept my mouth closed on this one until I had pictures lol.

Sorry guys


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I have tried to get ahold of anyone who may have a picture of this deer and to no avail, I know 3 shots in a deer should put him down and I agree with those who think this is bull. But I am normally not one to tell stories, maybe I should have kept my mouth closed on this one until I had pictures lol.

Sorry guys


No need to be sorry dude. I know what it's like to get excited about something and want to share it without seeing pictures and believing someone's word. It's just hard for outsiders, that don't know that person, to hear a story like that and not have anything to back it up. Now, go find some pictures!

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I have absolutely no reason to doubt Kirk however wild this story is, but that is one crazy story and maybe your buddy stretched things maybe just a little. Hope you can get some pics for us.

I do agree with Mike on the guy needing some target practice though if this is an accurate account of how it went, was he shooting slugs or buckshot? Any word on where he claimed to have hit the deer with any of the shots that it never broke its stride? Was it wounded badly enough it would have died had the car not hit it?

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yep. kirk is a straight shooter and i in no way meant he's making anything up. i don't think he'd do that. i do, think, however that there may be some "stretching" done to this story to imbellish it, by others. i certainly did not mean to impune kirk in any way, and i hope no offence was taken. if it is actually a true account, and it may be, it would certainly be a weird one.

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For the record, I was no where in my responses going against Kirk's character. He's straight up and - believe everything he says. I was only questioning the story told to him. Keep us posted on this.

Also, its 240 or so Vegas time and I am just sitting down at a black jack table, sorry for the grammar problems. Kirk, nowhere was I questioning your character so please don't think that.

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