Third Buck


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On opening morning of deer season this year i was hunting on a property line of planted pines and swamp, and the adjacent land was clearcut. At about 8:30 I looked out over the clearcut and saw a rack in a limb of an oak tree around 150 yards away. The buck was scraping. He ended up walking 50 yards out in front of me; a good 9 pointer. I was hoping and praying that the deer would cross the property line so I could shoot him. At one point, he gave me a would-have-been perfect shot but I witheld my temptation. The deer went back out the same place he came. 45 minutes later, a doe came trotting down the road in front of my stand, 10 yards away. I stopped her and had my 30-30 on her but decided not to shoot in hopes of killing a buck. 30 seconds behind her a buck was grunting with his nose to the ground. At 9 yards I stopped him and shot at his heart. He mule kicked and tore off into the swamp behind me, where he fell after 30 yards or so. He is my biggest buck to date and I appreciated the hunt with my Papa.





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