Good vs Evil


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Sure- I believe we are all born as sons & daughters of Satan, & untill we accept Jesus as our savior, we dont have the ability to overcome our natural sinful nature. I know most people think they are mostly good, & thats right, mostly they are......BUT the reason isnt because they are inherantly good, its because they dont want to face the consequences of our deeds- ie- being found out, being fined, being jailed, being divorced, etc.. Think about it, just how far would you go if there was absolutely no chance of you having to face any consequences for your actions??? wouldnt you just naturally progress from the little things to the big ones?

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A survival situation would only unveil the evil. If you have any experience at all with civil problems gone bad you would be surprised how thin the veneer of civilization really is. Lots of people can easily do the right thing for people they like as long as they have what they want. If we are reduced to survival run and hide.

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i believe we are given a conscience and a free choice. we know when something is wrong yet are able to do it anyway. thus, the good and bad in all of us.

I'm pretty much with you...but to be clear, I don't equate a "conscience" with a "soul". More along the lines of self awareness and our interactions with others. The ability to to see (and change) how those interactions impact others is what I believe equates to "good and evil". I don't believe in supernatural good and evil. I also believe our natural animalistic survival instict allows emotion to govern our thoughts, so mightily in fact, that some people (many people) cannot let reason override that instinct.

In short, I feel we are all "good and evil", some have greater capacity than others to understand how our actions affect other beings.

I do feel that a true survival situation would, at least, suspend my own good/evil mantra. For example; If the survival of my family or myself required an act that I wouldn't commit in any other circumstance, I would do it, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't feel bad about it.

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