Need advice on a huge buck that busted me!


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Tonight I saw for the second time what would be my biggest buck. I'm not a scoring genious, but would put him at least the 150's. But, he busted me!

Here's the set-up. I was in a ladder stand at the end of a bean field. Behind in the woods is a funnel created by a deep banked creek bed and the bean field. The wind was westerly from the woods into the field. But when the wind died while the sun set, it shifted to thermals only from the field to the woods. The buck was traveling on the trail in the funnel. He winded me from the thermals and stopped in his tracks. He looked right at me for a long stair down. I couldn't draw or do anything. He eventually bolted snorting tearing out of there big time.

So,,,, what should I do now. And how long should I wait to try again. I know this is his core area because I've found his bedding area which is tore up with rubs and scrapes. Both times I've seen him he was traveling to that area.

Should I hunt the field edge or stay in the woods in the funnel? Should I hunt the bedding area? Should I get back in there tomorrow or wait a week for him to settle down? Should I use the same stand or move to another tree to throw him off?

Thanks,,, this will be my first targeting of a specific buck.

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I am not the best strategist when it comes to hunting. Example - I sit on this outside corner and see deer 200 yards away. I move to that area and see deer under the stand I sat in yesterday. I just shake my head.

That being said, I would just pay attention to the wind and if possible put a lock on stand in a tree more in the woods close to the funnel. I would stay out of the bedding area. Probably the best thing I can do for you is just wish you good luck!

I've watched does especially look right up ladder stands that were close to me. I know they were looking to see if someone was up there. I think they get educated.

Then again, that big buck just might walk right by that stand tomorrow.

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Good advice above. I would definitely go in the middle of the day and move the stand (if you can get that done without too much disturbance). Hard to say to move from the field's edge and give that up, but... if you know where the deer is coming from, then you might want to consider that and move it down farther along the creek and catch the deer earlier in his route.

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