opinions on the 308


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Its a great round for deer. I have one and I absoutely love it. Most people dont know it, but its ballistics are actually very close to those of the .30-06. With a 150 grain bullet the .308 still has 1380 foot pounds of energy at 400 yards, which is more than enough for deer, considering that one of the greatest deer rifles ever, the .30-30 only has 1255 foot pounds of energy at 100 yards. The .308 will definitely do the job on deer at longer ranges than most people are capable of shooting.

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The .308 is an awesome round. I know guys up here who hunt moose with a .308. They are a good long range rifle too. Compared to a .30-06 they're very close. Nice thing about the .308 is the short action. Dad has used one all his hunting life for deer, and several others in the gang use the caliber as well. Just ask doubleA about the caliber. He rings steel at 600 yards regularly with some really impressive groups too.

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I shot one when I was younger and used 100 to 180 grain bullets. Shot alot of small game with the Speer half jacket Plinkers and light loads. It was at it's best with 150 to 165 grain bullets and shoots relatively flat to 300 yards. I shot it lots and killed a ton of groundhogs and deer with it too. One of the nice things about it is that it won't beat you up badly with recoil. It operates at velocities that lets you effectively use conventional copper cup/lead core bullets on big game, so it won't bankrupt you to shoot it lots. It's a good rifle for smaller big game (deer, bear, caribou) at moderate ranges.


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I have somewhat mixed emotions about .308's. I have one in a BAR Short-trac, very accurate and a joy to carry. I just don't think it packs the punch of other rounds. My old BAR was a 30-06, did a lot more damage and a lot more knock down power .270 same thing. My favorite deer gun is a remington 700 in .257 Roberts. I cannot see where the .308 is any more effective than any of these rounds. I know some ballistic experts may disagree. I think If I was going for a new deer rifle and wanted a round that could be pretty much had in any rifle platform it would be a 7mm-08.

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The .308 is like vanilla ice cream. There are lots of different things you can do with it if you want to. It's not glamourous or sexy but it will get the job done. It won't turn any heads at deer camp but it puts meat on the pole every year.

It is the caliber of choice for thousands of sniper rifles in military and police units.

Finally the three greatest battle rifles ever built were chambered for the .308. The HK G3, FN FAL and the M-14.


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Good caliber in my opinion, I would not hesitate to use one for deer. My wife's step father hunted with a .308 for a long long time and effectively killed deer on out past 350 yards with a rifle chambered in .308.

^^ good deal!

the .308 is basically the 7.62x51mm NATO with a hair difference in the neck of the case. the 7.62x51mm NATO has been the standard issue sniper caliber for a number of years... you can kill a deer with almost any caliber at longer ranges... just do your homework and shooting to learn your bullet trajectory... the .308 is a fine caliber... on another note.. i killed a buck on monday at 300 yards with my .270 BECAUSE i knew my bullet trajectory

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The .308 is like vanilla ice cream. There are lots of different things you can do with it if you want to. It's not glamourous or sexy but it will get the job done. It won't turn any heads at deer camp but it puts meat on the pole every year.

It is the caliber of choice for thousands of sniper rifles in military and police units.

M24 standard issue sniper rifle for Air Force, Army, and Marines around the world. Of course in the .308. If these guys trust their lives with it at up to a mile I trust that will effectively take out any deer at almost any distance in the hands of a skilled marksman. And I would never hesitate to use it on any large north american game animal.

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Let's see.....................

Light recoil

Comes in bazillions of compact, handy rifles

Generally accurate as all get out

Flat trajectory to most all deer hunting ranges

Economical to shoot whether you reload or not

Lots of power for anything in N.A. save the critters that wish to kill you back

Other than that it sucks.

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The .308 is fine for whitetail but you are asking about it if you know your range with it you will be fine it dropsa little more than other .300 but the ammo is cheap but this is comming from someone that shots a 300 wsm ammo isn't cheap for but I have always said why do people have a $700-$800 gun as much in a scope and them buy a cheap ammo

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Nothing wrong with a .308 at all. Lots of options of loads to choose from and lots of bullet options if you're a reloader. I've shot a lot of different calibers over the years and I'm usually carrying my Remington Model 7 in .308 now. I prefer using it for short range (inside 150 yards) but most places I hunt in timber don't have shots beyond that range. I also have a Savage Striker pistol in .308 too.

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