sk archery season succesful


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ok guys heres the story it all started on day when a guy came to my dads autobody shop to get his car fixed and asked do your kids hunt archey?my dad replied yes. so to make a long story short the guy said there is a couple big ones behind my farm. so me and my brother took a drive out there one night a scouted out his pasture and sure enought there were 3 monsters with doptines and they were with a bunch of great typicals. so we decided tht this is where we were going to put our time in this archery season so we started patterning them about 3 times a week for a month and finnally when the season opened on september 1st it was time to hunt brother got the biggest one in the bunch about a 3 weeks into the season and it scored 219 non typical. in saskatchewan the achery mule deer season is from setember 1st to october 31st i ended up fracturing my wrist and was in a cast for 2 weeeks of that tim period and of course that is when i got all the chances at the one i wanted finnally 2 days after i got my cast off i killed my buck 2 days before the end of the season 20 yard shot bedded down but i smoked him right in the should so he slowly ran to 48 and i put another one in him and the rage brought him down he maybe 40 yards and piled up it was the greatest day of my life to finnaly kill him after many tirless mornings before school hunting him and countless ours after school.

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