Strep throat and everying in between!!!


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I have been BUSY as usual...

Tons to do around the house, work has been a nightmare as we attempt to tackle the year end rush, ive been traveling, etc.

I tried to hunt quite a bit last week (rifle season opened here and ducks really started comming in not long ago). I did get a little hunting done but not nearly as much as I hoped for. Regardless, around Friday I started to feel rough. Just figured it was a cold I had picked up from travel. My throat started hurting really, really bad on Saturday. Monday I felt a little better but Tuesday I tanked. I went to the DR's office on Tuesday, Strep Throat. I opted for the 24 hours full doze of antibiotics shot in the "Hip." More like rump.... Im feeling better but had to miss work yesterday and the pile almost doubled! :jaw:

So here I sit at my desk trying to figure out how im going to get everything done! I even have to go to Decatur, IL next week sometime. Anyone around Decatur, IL?

Just checking in so you all wouldn't started checking the papers or milk cartons for me.. ;):D

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Sorry to hear that Jeramie, getting sick is never good in the middle of the season.

Have you had any luck other than the 7 point this season? I have yet to see anything that I want to out a tag on, but I've seen quite a few 3 1/2 yo bucks that will be prime targets next year.

If you don't start feeling better soon let me know and I'll give you a recipe for a baked potato and jalapeno soup that will cure what ails you.

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Ive seen some decent bucks. There was a big buck that jumped with the smaller. He made it back in the timber as soon as the does spotted me.

I also had a good buck come to about 50 yards during bow. He winded me and my brother and busted quick, fast, and in a hurry.... ;)

Its been a slow last couple of seasons for me.

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