1 lb. Propane Refilling ???


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Anyone have any experience in refilling 1 lb. propane bottles from a 20 lb. cylinder using this adapter ( http://www.tractorsupply.com/home-improvement/heating/propane-heaters-accessories/propane-fittings-parts/mr-heater-reg-propane-tank-refill-adapter-female-cylinder-thread-x-soft-nose-p-o-l--2151386 ) ??

I've been seriously thinking about trying this procedure, with the price of new bottles around here .. So let me here from ya folks ..

Edited by VermontHunter
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Well the First thing you should do is look for a better price...check out something like Amazon.com and see what you find.

Secondly, Why would you want to refill these 1lb cylinders??????

Unless your using alot of them in a portable heater it really would not make any sense at the low cost of the 2-packs.

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LOL ,, Gary you dork .. :p

#1 ,, I used the link that is above because it had the best image of the device ... Amozon has it for about $14.00.

#2 ,, I don't find the 2-packs that cheap, just got 2 bottles from servicestar and it cost me $6.99.

If you hunt cold weather from 5:30 am to say dark like I have been, ( a 12 hr. hunt ) thats 2 bottles right there, now multiply that by the days you hunt say 5 days .. thats $45.00 for those days ... OUCH !!

I can get a refill on a 20 lbs. cylinder for about $17.00 and that will fill 20 - 1lb. bottles for reuse, and I can use multiple blinds without having to relocate a 20lbs. cylinder every new location .. ;)

Did I make sense ??

Forgot to mention ,, that 1- 1lb. bottle has about a 5-6 hr. burn time in a Big Buddy Heater .. so the dual bottle methods gives about 11 hrs.of burn time. This is from self experience, by me timing it this past weekend .. ;)

Edited by VermontHunter
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Real men don't need heaters when they hunt :D

Really ,,, I invite you to the Northeast and what it has to offer for winter weather. I can usually take a day or so of cold weather hunting but a week solid or longer can be a bit much. I don't know how those Northern Canadian's do it ,, must have something to do with acclamation I guess ..

My getting older, has made me less tolerant to cold ... :(

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Luke, we sure do know what harsh hunting weather is like. Remember when it was 90 below in Wyoming a couple Septembers back? We had to retreat to the coffee shop to stop the noise of our chattering teeth scaring the antelope away. Yep, them tropical climate guys just don't know what real hunting is like.:D

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Luke, we sure do know what harsh hunting weather is like. Remember when it was 90 below in Wyoming a couple Septembers back? We had to retreat to the coffee shop to stop the noise of our chattering teeth scaring the antelope away. Yep, them tropical climate guys just don't know what real hunting is like.:D

What Wyoming are you talking about willis?

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Luke, we sure do know what harsh hunting weather is like. Remember when it was 90 below in Wyoming a couple Septembers back? We had to retreat to the coffee shop to stop the noise of our chattering teeth scaring the antelope away. Yep, them tropical climate guys just don't know what real hunting is like.:D

I surely do my friend ... :)

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