TACH Issue

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Got into my 2004 Silverado to bring the wife to the pharmacey last night and she noticed that my tach was at 4 to 5 and asked me if that was normal. I promptly told her NO ,, it pretty much stayed there even with the truck shut off, I turned my truck off and bumped the ignition a few times to get it to go back down. It then seemed to be fine afterwards .. I'm just baffled as to what would cause this issue in the first place, since the truck is idleing just fine ... :hammer2:

Anyone got any clues ???

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Not sure Luke, could be that the gauge was just stuck, what it sounds like to me. Don't think those tachs use mechanical cables, thinking they are electronic which would rule out a sticky cable. Would assume that cold outside temps could make things more prone to sticking, leads me back to a sticking gauge.

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Call your dealer. These instrument clusters are prone to this type problem. It is all electronic. [ no cables ] GM had a repair policy in effect the last I knew. I think they were replacing the clusters for no charge.

Tip: have your 17 digit vin. handy when you call.

Shaun may have more info as he is a dealer tech.


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Took the words out of my mouth Lynn! Take it to the dealer Luke, they'll hook a scan tool up and get the part number from the instrument cluster, mileage, engine hours, etc. They'll order one in and install it at no charge. There's a special policy on them, we change them all the time for similar issues.

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So after 7/70,000 and this happens you are SOL?

Kinda messed up that these types problems are not on recall lists. Sure it may not cause an accident, but when a known problem is there and it is obvious it will occur in many units the manufacturer should take full responsibility.

I know it is off topic, but had an issue with our durango where the intermittent wipers would just quit or not come on at all or hang in the on on setting high speed, never knew what they would do. Very frustrating before we were able to get it in to get it fixed. Potentially extremely dangerous situation and Chrysler is well aware of it, however they too offer no recall. Guess they will wait for lawsuits over injuries or deaths. Had a pretty scarey experience the first time it happened that could have had fatal consequences with the wipers quitting on me while in a heavy downpour about 2 hours from home, was lucky to make it off the road without hitting anything. Once pulled over was able to shut the ignition off and reset it. Actually had to do that several times prior to getting them fixed where the wipers had a mind of their own, dealership said there was no recall and little known problems. Fortunately for us ours was still covered under the 3/36000 warranty, after that no telling what it would have cost us to fix it.

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Mike, we've been replacing the clusters no charge no matter what the mileage. I guess GM knows there's an issue with the design of them and it doesn't matter what the mileage is, it's not the fault of the individual vehicle or the driver. We change them for the sticking needles, bulbs burning out in them, basically anything to do with the internal parts of the cluster itself.

William, sounds like a wiper module to me. Sounds like they already fixed it for you. Some of the GM's like your truck had wiper module issues. They'd get a little water in them and do all sorts of crazy things!

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Recalls& repair policies

All the manufacturers have a glitch on occasion. GM has taken it on the chin somewhat on this one. Chances are the cluster is built in a 3rd. world country. Many replacement parts for GM are made in Slovenia!

In defense GM has stood up and accepted the defect and is doing the right thing.

Today I found both outer tie rod ends dangerously loose on a 2008 Dodge Durango 4-wd with just over 14,000 miles on it. It is under the factory warranty and I sent it away. We have found bad outers on Dodge and Chrysler vans with as little as 12,000 miles. I wouldn't be surprised to see a massive recall on this one soon.

It takes time to establish records to find a trend. I am certain somebody will discover this and react.

No doubt the 2004 Chev. in ? was built in Oshawa Ontario. These foreigheners can't get it right! LOL.

How do you like me now Shaun?


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Thanks for that info, Shaun. Sure is good to know. Anything they can do with that "engine light" glitch? :helpsmilie:

I had trouble with my 95' Dodge, William. Not that a wiper problem is anything to have in a pouring rain, but I had total drivers seat failure going down the highway at 60 mph. Talk about fear.

The dealership acted like it was no big deal. It happened all the time. Needless to say when they wanted to charge me for the out of warranty work I went off. It was settled after I calmed down and got the manager involved. He resigned to the facts and agreed that this should never happen.

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William, sounds like a wiper module to me. Sounds like they already fixed it for you. Some of the GM's like your truck had wiper module issues. They'd get a little water in them and do all sorts of crazy things!

What I thought too Shaun. Dealership kept it for a few hours and they were not able to get it to replicate the intermittent issue, service advisor called me back and said it had to be in the switch.:confused: I did a bit of research on the internet and seems there have been several issues with wipers on certain chrysler vehicles and in most cases it was the module. I really don't know what they changed out, service ticket said intermittent electronic wiper issue, multiswitch replaced. Multiswitch, I am thinking is not the switch on the steering column, but possibly a switch under the dash? We are over our 3 year/36000 mile bumper to bumper now, but we do get a 12 month warranty on the repair they made, hopefully no more issues.

All the manufacturers have a glitch on occasion. GM has taken it on the chin somewhat on this one. Chances are the cluster is built in a 3rd. world country. Many replacement parts for GM are made in Slovenia!

In defense GM has stood up and accepted the defect and is doing the right thing.

Today I found both outer tie rod ends dangerously loose on a 2008 Dodge Durango 4-wd with just over 14,000 miles on it. It is under the factory warranty and I sent it away. We have found bad outers on Dodge and Chrysler vans with as little as 12,000 miles. I wouldn't be surprised to see a massive recall on this one soon.

It takes time to establish records to find a trend. I am certain somebody will discover this and react.

No doubt the 2004 Chev. in ? was built in Oshawa Ontario. These foreigheners can't get it right! LOL.

How do you like me now Shaun?


Hmmmm, ours is a 2008 model awd limited edition, suppose I need to check the tie rods? Powertrain has a lifetime warranty, guessing this would not be covered.

Far as the foreigners, it really should not matter, the selling manufacturer assumes responsibility for the parts when they sell them under their label. Glad to hear GM is doing what is right in this case. Seems only the right thing to do for any manufacturer to take on the responsibility for repairing issues even out of warranty when they used parts that were possibly not the quality they should have been and they discover that there are issues with those parts. Shame on any manufacturer for using inferior parts if it is a known that they will create issues for consumers and shame on them for not acknoweldging problems when they come up. I understand about seeing a pattern or trend, unfortunately sometimes it seems like consumers concerns/complaints are ignored. Could go into a few other examples, but have probably already taken this thread off course too much.

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