Family Christmas Photos....


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My wife hit me up about taking family Christmas shots this year so she could mail out Christmas cards with pictures in them. I drug out the camera, remote, tripod, etc. However, I had went duck hunting that morning so I still had on jeans! :D My hands also smelled like duck meat.. :p Anyway, here is this years family Christmas shots. The family shot has too much wrong with it (poor lighting, shadow, etc) but my wife is happy so Im not going to say a word.

Family shot...


Me and the wife... Way too much wrong with this picture and its all on my end.... :p

Notice the wind burnt face... I told her it made me look rosey..


And our two little Hams....




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Your wife has some amazing blue eyes....I can't remember when I have seen eyes that blue which stand out. Said in the best non-stalker, non-perv font I can use. :D

She does have beautiful eyes. Her dad, brother, and all of her aunts on her dads side have the same eyes. The blue gene runs heavy in that family. For the most part all of the women in that side of the family are beautiful people... What can I say, I got lucky... :p

Oh, and my kids are monsters! :D I've spoiled them rotten. No seriously, our kids are good kids. Love them babies... ;)

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They are daylight and dark. My oldest looks a lot like my sister and niece. I see it in her big time. She also has black eyes. (I have dark, dark brown).

Our youngest had the same colored blue as her mom until she was 1. Her eyes then turned grey... like seriously void of color. She has very dark and curly hair like mommy (My wifes hair is 100 natural, no dies or perms).

Those two are daylight and dark in personality too. Oddly enough it switched at that point. My wife was a National Merritt Scholar. Our oldest has tested off the charts, literally. The school ordered a test from Northeastern State University to find what level she is at because her Pre-K entry results looked forged. She is WAY beyond that of a 5-year old. She is seriously outgoing and charismatic (just like my wife).

The younger is exactly like me. She's the lover (wants to sit in a lap all the time), would rather be at home playing with a toy than sitting out in public somewhere and a host of other things......

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