where have the deer went


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I hunt on a small peice of property that recieves relativly light pressure and for reason all of the deer seem to have vanished. I cant figure what has happened we are not seeing deer,finding any sign or even getting any pics. They should be getting ready to rut but there is no evidence of that. Anyone have any theroies or ideas?

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Up here in Indiana, the early archery season was good, but when the rut should have been kicked in, and gun season, the deer activity was very slow this year. I have several buddies that just aren't seeing very many deer at all. The last weekend of firearm which was Nov 27 and 28 a few guys got good bucks though. I haven't seen hardly any deer in the fields in the mornings and evenings either, really weird.

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Yep, that will do it!

Same setup here Bama...Ant seen nut'n,camera ant get'n nut'n,they ant hit'n my feeder had to turn it off...Down here i'm guess'n it's them dadburn ACORN's...Their everywhere...

when i field dressed my buck he was packed full of acorns. if he wasnt looking for love id have never seen him.

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This post is my opinion...

I've had land and hunted every part of "The Great State" (which is Alabama) and there is a lull at this time of the year every year. Up north they have an October lull. Here we have a December lull. It's usually the first two weeks of December. Now this is not a hard and fast rule. I even saw an older aged buck chasing a doe today. A buddy saw the same but it was a young buck. Both in Tuscaloosa County. And we have no White oak acorns around here, some red oak acorns, but our food plots are getting tore up.

A "lull" is broken by the rut. We are going to have a great rut this year and it will be earlier than usual, today I found the first scrapes and rubs that I have seen.

If your south of me, your rutting activity will be a little later, if your north it will be sooner. Hang in there. And plan to hunt the week after Christmas, and the first week of January. It will be good.

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Yea BamaTrae i agree with you about that lull,but mine here lately has been a lullaby,bout to go to sleep in stand...But this is the month i've been wait'n on,from now till end of season (Jan 23rd) has been the best time for me in the past.When they get that doe on the brain(and in their nose)hopefully them acorn's will come in second.

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