Westboro Baptist Church....somebody is gonna get hurt.


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Any of you ever heard of the Westboro Baptist Church outta Kansas that protests at killed soldiers funerals all over the country?

Well apparently they protested at a marines funeral in McAlester, OK a month ago and some bikers/townspeople slashed their tires and harassed them pretty good. Not one shop in the town would help fix their car, nor would any tow service so they had to drive on slashed tires to Wal-Mart with police escort since wal-mart can't deny service.

Well since then they have been on a crusade against against Oklahoma and have publicly stated that God hates Oklahoma.

Well here is where the story gets down right disgusting and makes a person ( me anyways ) want to do something about them.

3 teens were killed this week in a car wreck near Asher, OK. All 3 teens were related....two brothers, one cousin. They ran a stop sign at an intersection and hit a truck. Their driver is in critical condition in OU Med center, and the other vehicle driver was treated an released. The two brothers died on scene, the girl cousin died later at OU Med due to injuries.

Westboro got wind of this trajedy and sent out flyers that this is God killing Oklahomans to pay them back for treating the church protestors in McAlester so badly. They protested at the services of the kids this morning outside the Bowlegs HS. These people are praising God for the death of these kids right in their friends and families faces!!!!

I'm good friends with the english teacher to these kids and the whole community is devasted and this only makes it worse.

I am not sure what I would do if it were Cash's funeral, but my gut tells me by just thinking about it that I would lose self control and attack these people. "Laughing" at the death of my loved one would enrage me. It enrages me enough with me not even know these teens. Its the talk around my hometown...several people were discussing loading up and going to "take care" of this group once and for all lastnight. I'm not even sure what or if anything happened. I've been wondering all day, waiting to hear how it went.


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I'd like to see some bikers take some metal baseball bats to those people......but vengeance is of God. Nothing in the teachings of Jesus supports treating people like they do.

I am convinced that the so-called pastor of that quack church is GAY. Yes, no joke....I think that he's homosexual and just cannot accept it. So he strikes out against it.


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There is a group called the Patriot Riders MC out here that run interference between these idiots and the funerals. I was asked to join but begged off because I have a very short fuse when it comes to this sort of thing. I believe that people like this need a thorough a__kicking on a regular basis and am still skilled enough to deliver it. Forty years ago they would have been beaten because you could not hide behind the law to abuse people. Times have certainly changed.


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I'd like to see some bikers take some metal baseball bats to those people......but vengeance is of God. Nothing in the teachings of Jesus supports treating people like they do.

I am convinced that the so-called pastor of that quack church is GAY. Yes, no joke....I think that he's homosexual and just cannot accept it. So he strikes out against it.


Amen. Just rest in knowing God sees what these people are doing falsely in His name Kyle. Can understand being upset and even having bitter thoughts over this, ticks me off too but it really is just not worth taking matters in your own hands with jerks like this as all that would do is end you up in trouble.

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Amen. Just rest in knowing God sees what these people are doing falsely in His name Kyle. Can understand being upset and even having bitter thoughts over this, ticks me off too but it really is just not worth taking matters in your own hands with jerks like this as all that would do is end you up in trouble.

I agree...they are "Possessed" but it's not by the spirit of God thats for sure.

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No doubt there is a need for these people to get their clocks cleaned. Very troubling that they are allowed to get away with what they do. What is more troubling is vigilante justice. Running amok on these people would only cast the bad light on you no matter how right you may think of your actions. These people will step into the wrong cemetery one day, but it won't be one of this earth.

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Amen. Just rest in knowing God sees what these people are doing falsely in His name Kyle. Can understand being upset and even having bitter thoughts over this, ticks me off too but it really is just not worth taking matters in your own hands with jerks like this as all that would do is end you up in trouble.


I agree...they are "Possessed" but it's not by the spirit of God thats for sure.


No doubt there is a need for these people to get their clocks cleaned. Very troubling that they are allowed to get away with what they do. What is more troubling is vigilante justice. Running amok on these people would only cast the bad light on you no matter how right you may think of your actions. These people will step into the wrong cemetery one day, but it won't be one of this earth.

Yep, I saw them on the news the last few days.:48: They are doing Christianity and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, a great disservice They have been seriously misguided to the point of obsession and possession by their pastor (if you can even call him that). It's hard to believe this flock (as individuals) don't have a mind of their own and are mislead so easily. It is more than disturbing.:angry::(:mad:

God will deal with them. God always allows evil to repay evil, so let it be done, if that's what it's going to take to wake these sheep up.

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Matthew 7:21-23 KJV

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

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Matthew 7:21-23 KJV

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


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