Shawnee's 1st deer hunt (pics).............


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Yesterday was the last day of our general gun season for deer. after going turkey hunting with me a couple weeks ago, my little girl has been wanting to hit the deer stand. She had her mother drive her home at noon from making Christmas cookies with the kids at church so she could go hunting.

We got into the stand where her big sissy and brother had each taken a deer this season. Shawnee was prepared. She got into her bibs and pulled out a cap pistol and an entire ziploc bag full of caps!!! I told her I'd probably have to do the shooting if there was any shooting. But it's good she came prepared..........just in case.

She wanted to play "I spy". So I said we'd play "I spy deer". Start looking. Wasn't more than 20 minutes, I'd say, when I caught movement 80-90 yards below us and to our right. I pointed out the deer to Shawnee and said we might get a shot. Then there was another one. And another one. And another one!!!!! It was like a wagon train of does and fawns . There had to be 15 anyways. Maybe more. It took until about the 3rd mature doe came through before I could get a shot without another deer being in the way. I sent a .25 cal. 100 gr. TTSX on its way and it handily did the trick.

At the shot, some of the deer ran a bit. Some stood around. So I told Shawnee to hurry and get her pistol out and see if she couldn't get a shot off. She managed to get 3 shots off at a button buck at about 60 yards. Came REAL close. But just not quite.

Here's the view from our perch:

(There's a button buck just to the right of the small tree and above a grapevine in the shooting lane straight down)


Shawnee drawing a fine bead on the button buck:


One happy little hunter girl:



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