Year in Review For Stone Cold! "6 Deer"

Stone Cold

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Today was a good day out in the woods! I filled my last tag to end my season! What a year it as been and thanks to all my friends that I was able to share my time in the woods with via Text Messages! Here is my year in review from the ups and downs:

Loop broke while drawing on a nice doe on Oct. 8th


Yearling Doe Killed Oct. 8th


Daughter went with me Oct. 16th!


Shot at nice doe and clipped branch Nov. 3rd!


Shot at another nice doe and missed Nov. 6th!


Shot a nice Button Buck Nov. 11th!


On Nov. 20th I shot the doe and Nov. 21st I shot the 8 Point Buck!



On Dec. 9th I shot this 11 Point Buck! My biggest deer ever and first Pope & Young!



And for the cherry on top I shot this doe Today Dec. 18th!


Now my 2010/2011 Deer Season has come to a close! This is a year I will never forget with the times I had in the woods! What a Year! Thanks to everyone who has either helped in recover, advice, and the owners of the property I am able to hunt on! A special thanks to all that have kept us all awake in the deer stands or blinds by texting each other! LOL Good luck to all that are still hunting and BRING ON SHED SEASON!

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Yup I agree redneck! My knee had me down even during shed season. I dont think I am at 100 percent yet to this day. Doc said it would take a good year to year and half to get back to where it was before. Like I said last year I was shocked to see that my leg went to skin and bones being in that brace for 6 weeks without bending or anything. That really sucked! This has been the best year and boy I am not going to BIT:oops:! I think it will be tough to do better than this year even with my 4 misses I still had the best year.

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