Do you pass


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Predators while hunting things than predators (deer,turkey,elk, ect)?

I often read or hear about guys passing coyotes or other predators during archery or gun season. Now if season isn't open on those critters I completely understand. BUT if you have the proper license and it is legal to shoot a predator as it passes by your stand do you shoot it or pass?

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I pass on passing :D...

Actually, this year, October 28th to be exact, i had a doe come running by, tail up, and checking behind her. I thought for sure it was a buck chasing her, but couldn't figure out why her tail was up...about 15 seconds after she went by, i saw the yote, who chose to give up on its pursuit of the doe, and bedded down 33 yds from my stand...I watched this yote for 2 1/2 hours, and in that time i videoed a 2.5 yr old 8 walk within 12 yds of it, and then a fork horn walk within 20 yds of it - neither of the two bucks had any idea that yote was even there...To its demise, it got out of bed to chase a squirrel, that it missed anyway, and made an attempt to go directly back to its bed....Too bad for her, she provided a tiny window that i was able to slip my GT Nuge 5575 right through her lungs and heart and dropped her in her tracks...

if there's any opportunity at drilling a yote, you can bet im gonna try and take it.

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