Israel is in trouble


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Dear Steve,

I'm writing to give you an intelligence update from my meetings with more than 130 leaders in the past nine days. I met with generals, mayors, presidents of universities, the Prime Minister and both Deputy Prime Ministers, a former chief of staff, a Supreme Court justice who will be the next Chief Justice and the Secretary of State over dinner. Here is what you need to know:

President Obama is putting more pressure on the state of Israel than any previous US President. He is demanding that Israel give up Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem by the end of next year. His plan is to keep up the pressure until it happens. Israel is handcuffed because of the threat posed by nuclear Iran. Without US supplies and fly-over permission (the United States controls the skies over the Middle East), it is nearly impossible for Israel to take effective military action. The President is blackmailing Israel to deliver a Palestinian state in exchange for support against Iran.

The United Nations, the European Union, the Russians, Chinese and the "Elders" (Jimmy Carter's anti-Israel group) have come up with a plan. They are encouraging the Palestinian Authority to declare statehood now. In the last few days, 10 nations have recognized Palestine as an independent nation. The plan is to do this without Israel's involvement so that Israel cannot have any say in the borders. Once this plan takes place, Israel will be isolated and suffocated economically.

President Obama is using our tax dollars to support this plan. His administration and the State Department believe they can destroy the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu so that a liberal government can replace it and accept the deal. If this tragic plan to curse Israel succeeds, every nation that supports the plan will be cursed by Almighty God.

President Obama is cursing Israel in your name. "I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee." (Genesis 12:3) Will you replace that curse with a blessing today?

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