Disappointed - Movie Review = "True Grit"

Norm Sauceman

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Like you Norm, I am a huge John Wayne fan. Just from seeing the previews on TV I wasn't very impressed but hoped it would be ok. I am sure I will still watch it, but agree with you on if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.

I'm with ya! I relly don't care much for Jeff Bridges or Josh Brollin, so I was already dissapointed from just seeing the previews.

What happened to originality....seems like a majority of the new movies coming out are remakes, sequels, or based of an old t.v. show.

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Saw it tonight. I'm also a huge Wayne fan. The original is one of my all time favorites. I think that the difference between the movies is the interpretation of the book that both flicks are based on. I thought that this was a pretty good movie. If you're anticipating an actor trying to be the Duke, you'll be disappointed. Enjoy it for what it is.

3 stars from me.

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