got my mount back


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Sorry Mike, just hope you will look at some different taxidermists work before letting this guy mount another one for you, really the only point I wanted to make here. Bottom line is that you are happy with what you got and that is all that really matters.

Congratulations again on the deer, it is a nice deer. If you do look at those other shops, pay close attention to the detail around the eyes, nose, and ears. Might also consider looking online at pics from other taxidermists. The detail work should resemble as close as possible to reference photos.

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man im not gonna lie you guys have got me really bummed. dont know how to respond. if i cant tell a good or bad job myself how am i suppose to shop around. there are 3 shops in town all are the same price.

Hey brother, don't be bummed. None of this was intended to hurt your feelings but rather give you a better insght to any further mounts you will get. Go to the other two shops and look at their work, even take your mount in there to compare to their mounts. It's no so much the price of the mount you paid for it, it's the time it took to get it back. Good quality work can't be rushed especially on a something of this nature.

Even if this guy is just starting out, it still shouldn't have only taken three weeks to get your mount back to you. I've paid 235 for two mounts I've gotten done and they took 6 months to get back.

Again, don't be bummed and just use all in the informaiton you've gotten to hold some standards for your next mount.

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Hey Mike nice deer. I had to go back and find your first post on this nice old buck. That’s awesome you got him after 3 years of trail cam pics. Way stick with him.

As far as the mount goes, it could be the pics for some of the flaws in the mount. Take some pics with a flash and see if you can get a little more detail to show. A lot of time pics don’t do things justice.

I’ve done taxidermy work, for a good friend of mine who owns a shop, for 12yrs or so(through school and college) If your guy put you at the top of the list it can be done in 3 weeks; with that being said most take months because of the backlog they have. It doesn’t take that long to do one deer if that’s all he is working on. When you have 60 deer capes, after bow season, to work it starts backing things up. I would like to see some better pics, but from what pics you have the first thing that jumped out at me was the ears. They just aren't smooth, after looking at you pics in the back of your truck, just compare them to your mount and you will see what I’m talking about. The mount should give as close a resemblance to the live animal as possible, that’s what I shoot far anyway.

Just my $.02

A few things I always tell people when looking for a good taxidermist, is one look at their work in the shop, two ask some clients about their work, three look at some work that has been done years ago by this person (if possible). The third is the best, if the mount looks like it was done this past year and is 10 years old then you have a good taxidermist. ( My dad has a deer he killed back in the late 70's that to this day looks like the pic of the day he killed it.)

I’ve seen some of the best looking mounts(from so called great, cheap taxidermist) actually start to rot after a few months, seriously if the cape is not done right, the hair will start sloughing off and the skin can rot. Not something you want in your house.

It’s a great deer and if you happy with the mount then that’s all that matters.

Congrats again.

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