Forum Christmas Wish


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My Christmas wish is for all in the forum to bring 2011 in with more acceptance to and respect to one another and their opinion. We have far too many sitting on the sidelines wanting to post, but feel the need to be silent. The thread views against the replies really do say a lot and prove out that fact. Some have expressed their reasons while others have been less vocal. Others have shared views in PM's and email.

Some say the site it too religious while others say there are a few self serving biased individuals who use the site for their own sounding board. Their opinions are the only ones that matter, no matter what the debate. Still others refuse to give a thumbs up or a congrats for accomplishment calling for it.

It would also be good if the administrators/moderators of this site participate in their rooms more than what they are. There is a need to get out on the floor once in awhile. To give insight and points of view. A need to put threads where they belong and show a genuine interest in holding the position...

Points to ponder, food for thought as we head into the next decade with the Realtree forums.

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closer to what you were looking for?

This would be the one, but I'd have to change the shoulder stock to use here in NJ. Looks like an assault rifle...:ninja:


After looking that one over you were going to get me Kyle it is really not that bad! I like it enough to send you one.....

Edited by ruttinbuc
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too bad the message got jacked by a mod who obviously doesn't/didnt think the same way you did.

Not sure what part of the orignal message was about a crossbow but whatever ... I guess that just puts an ! on the whole post.


Sorry, was my attempt at being humorous. Mike and I share the same views of crossbows.:surrender:

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My Christmas wish is for all in the forum to bring 2011 in with more acceptance to and respect to one another and their opinion.

Yea, but you're from New Jersey, Mike.................ok, I'll try my best to accept that. :D

The thread views against the replies really do say a lot and prove out that fact.

Yep, look at the "Merry Christmas" threads.....I saw one with 70+ views and less than 10 replies..........and that's a Merry Christmas thread, EVERYONE should be willing to reply to those!!!

Some say the site it too religious

I don't think it's too religious, there's hardly any movement in the Spiritual room. I think what some are mistaking for "too religious" are highminded people who are quick to judge without and not within.

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