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Here is mine, it's the buck I killed down east here in NC opening week. I keep bucks on there that I have killed, it was funny because the day before I killed this guy. My hunting buddy was giving me up the road because I still had a 10 point on there that I had killed in 2008 and told me I needed a new picture that he was tired of looking at that one. LOL Hopefully I will be able to change it next season.


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Here are my last few….I use pics I take while out with my family. If I got to stare at a PC for a living it does not mean I can’t enjoy what truly matters.

The current one is from this fall when I had my boys out pheasant hunting.


These are all my summer ones…all from our annual Outer Banks, NC vacation.



This one likely being my favorite for awhile…my wife taking her turn looking out over the ocean on a gulf stream trip, realized how luck of a man I am, and snapped the pic to remind myself.


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