What does everyone think of a rest?


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Well there Dano, i unfortunately have never used it but i have heard both sides of the spectrum regarding the dz rest...For those who use it and love it, its the greatest invention since beer, and for those who have used it and dislike it, its garbage...Ask your pro shop to shoot with one as a demo at the shop and see how you like it...Or buy one and try it, and if you don't like it, return it.

Or just wait for some other responses...:D


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I know you have heard the old saying about opinions are like ........ well it applies especially to bowhunting.Everybody is different and what might not work for one may be the answer for the next man. I dont like to discredit anything until I've tried it myself. like the man said in the previous post try it out first and if it dont fit what you are looking for then let it go by. personally Drop away rest arent my thing tried the trophy taker rest just to many things to worry with. I came across a high end biscuit for a good price and it was perfect.nothing to worry about whisper quiet,no arrow movement also liked the octane pro hostage rest it was good.cheap too! you may want to shop around b4 you jump into a rest. good luck!

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Guest bowhunter56

I have 3 bows, 2 have the drop zone, you do have to be careful with the arrow sliding off the bow, but you can buy the little rubber arrow rest with sticky on them put put on the riser to give the arrow a place to lay when the arrow is on. Works well for me.

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