Cheap shot!!


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Debate #3

Did you guys see it when Kerry mentioned Vice President's Cheney's lesbian daughter when the talk was on a man and woman defining marriage.

Calling out Cheney's daughter was a cheap shot. Very cheap shot!!! This little personal attack was in hopes of trying to sway people who are against this type of behavior and telling them what the Bush Adminstration consists of. Kerry crossed the line bringing that up.

If Kerry really wants to get dirty lets talk about the outsourcing of jobs and why Heniz has factories outside the U.S. Maybe "W" should have grilled him on that topic. Kerry's own family owned company, living in a country they want to run, but has their company outside the U.S. Way to help the U.S. Kerry!!! He's a smooth talker I give him that but that's all he is.


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Re: Cheap shot!!

I agree that it was a low blow to bring up any of the family members.

As for the Heinz company and outsourcing, Kerry and his wife don't hold controlling interest in the company, so they don't have the power to say anything about it. If you look back through recent posts there are some explaining the Heinz company situation.

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Re: Cheap shot!!


And did you see Elizabeth Edwards response to the Cheney's being upset about the comment by Kerry (and Edwards during his debate)? Mrs Edwards said that the Cheney's reacted out of the shame they have for their daughter.

Their whole ticket, and their spouses, are devoid of honor.

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They have no shame.

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Re: Cheap shot!!


You wouldnt, your like Kerry. I bet you wouldnt like it if Bush said Kerry only marries woman for their money would ya?

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LOL thats like compairing apples to oranges, The gay right issue is a hot topic this year, marrage for money isnt it, besides who cares maybe you just jealous you didnt marry a multi-millionaire.

Low blow...maybe maybe not. Politics is dirty, want proof read the disclaimer at the top of this page.

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Re: Cheap shot!!


marrage for money isnt it, besides who cares maybe you just jealous you didnt marry a multi-millionaire.

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Have to agree with Aaron here in that there is no comparing. The comment by Kerry about Cheney's daughter should never have been made(period).

On the marrying into wealth, that is nothing new for the Kerry's anyways. The Forbes family was not exactly poor.

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Re: Cheap shot!!



marrage for money isnt it, besides who cares maybe you just jealous you didnt marry a multi-millionaire.

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Have to agree with Aaron here in that there is no comparing. The comment by Kerry about Cheney's daughter should never have been made(period).

On the marrying into wealth, that is nothing new for the Kerry's anyways. The Forbes family was not exactly poor.

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Rich people stick together. They all live in the same neighborhood and belong to the same country clubs and summer on the same islands. Is it any wonder that money marries money. It happens all the time, why is it such a big deal when Kerry does it.

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Re: Cheap shot!!


I agree, it was a low blow and never should have been said, thats why I jumped slug for saying it wasnt. Perhaps he would feel diffrently if he had a daughter and comments were made about her to the entire nation. And Kerry saying that about his daughter and me saying that about Kerry being rich by marreying rich woman, wasnt my point, my point was before Kerry shoots his mouth off again, maybe he should look at his own foolish acts and comments. And Aaron, I dont date for money, I date for character and how they treat people. Money couldnt be further from my mind, in fact my ex Toni wasnt exactly rich, but she made the best out of it and made me a richer person by knowing her.

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Not saying you do bud, im just making a point that there is a large difference. I dont know anyone who dates for money...actually ya i do but to avoid being sexist im going to end that line right there, anyone who marries for money is freakin crazy, i couldnt stand spending the rest of my life with some nut job just so i can be rich.

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Re: Cheap shot!!


Not saying you do bud, im just making a point that there is a large difference. I dont know anyone who dates for money...actually ya i do but to avoid being sexist im going to end that line right there, anyone who marries for money is freakin crazy, i couldnt stand spending the rest of my life with some nut job just so i can be rich.

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Most of us couldnt or wouldnt either.

Sluggo, Kerry has had money all his life, he did not have to marry into more wealth. Dude, think you watch way too much television. The idea that they were around each other like you suggest "summering" together and such would suggest to me that he is probably pretty darned shallow if in fact that was even the case of how they got to know each other. In the debate I personally did not really find Kerry's remark about "marrying up" to be very humorous.

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Re: Cheap shot!!



Not saying you do bud, im just making a point that there is a large difference. I dont know anyone who dates for money...actually ya i do but to avoid being sexist im going to end that line right there, anyone who marries for money is freakin crazy, i couldnt stand spending the rest of my life with some nut job just so i can be rich.

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Most of us couldnt or wouldnt either.

Sluggo, Kerry has had money all his life, he did not have to marry into more wealth. Dude, think you watch way too much television. The idea that they were around each other like you suggest "summering" together and such would suggest to me that he is probably pretty darned shallow if in fact that was even the case of how they got to know each other. In the debate I personally did not really find Kerry's remark about "marrying up" to be very humorous.

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actually kerry had so many children in his family that he couldnt afford college, so his grand-parents paid for on the terms that all money be paid back within five years. He wasnt as wealthy growing up as many would like you to think he was. He was by no means poor but most of the family money was with the grandparents he and his family saw very little of it.

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Re: Cheap shot!!


actually kerry had so many children in his family that he couldnt afford college, so his grand-parents paid for on the terms that all money be paid back within five years

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Must be rough having to pay someone in your family back like that. The short piece on Kerry I saw on CNN about his family made claims that the Forbes were very well off and Kerry did benefit directly from that wealth. Maybe I should have watched more of that program, because from what you say none of that was true.

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Re: Cheap shot!!



actually kerry had so many children in his family that he couldnt afford college, so his grand-parents paid for on the terms that all money be paid back within five years

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Must be rough having to pay someone in your family back like that. The short piece on Kerry I saw on CNN about his family made claims that the Forbes were very well off and Kerry did benefit directly from that wealth. Maybe I should have watched more of that program, because from what you say none of that was true.

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What do you expect you slam cnn one minute and quote it another. I belive i read all this in newsweek?? or Time.

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