Tine Is A Runnin' Out


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Only 2 days left for this year's archery whitetail season. I've been hitting the mornings pretty hard the past couple of weeks and to tell the truth, my eyes are getting really heavy most days. My brother-in-law has commitments tomorrow morning so I might just opt to sleep in and catch up on some shut-eye. I have to pick my mother-in-law up from dialysis tomorrow afternoon, but I think I might be able to wrangle some time mid day to get out and put a little more corn and grain on the stands we're hunting to try and set things up for Friday and the last hooraw for this year. I've got the Argo all loaded up on the trailer and ready to go, just as soon as I can muster myself out of bed in the morning. I think my New Year's resolution is to sleep, sleep, sleep for the first week or two, then I'm hopin' to try for a few coyotes.


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Well I made it out with the Argo to replenish the corn and grain piles on 3 of my stand sites. Everything up to now has been cleaned up and there are tracks galore on all 3 sites. We'll be heading out tomorrow as it's the last day for this year's archery season.


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I made it out yesterday morning for the last try for 2010. I actualy had high hopes for seeing deer, but surprizingly, no deer showed. The weather was unseasonably mild with temps nearing +5 C (+41 F). My brother-in-law had 3 antlerless deer near him and 1 coyote at 12 yards. A shot at the deer was not possible and he passed on the coyote. Man, I'd a tried smokin' that yote if it'd toured on over by me.

All in all, a good year afield, even though the freezer saw no new meat. Time spent with friends and family, and adventures in the outdoors is just fine with me.


Edited by TBow
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