2011 hunt applications


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I just a 2011 nonresident application book for Wyoming in the mail yesterday,Who's putting in for where next year? I'm putting in for preference points for deer/elk in Wyoming,I have enough points built up to get a deer tag for the unit I want to hunt in Colorado and will put in for another preference point for elk.

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Elk - OTC bull u80 for sure ( thanks Jeff)

Deer- Buck u71 ( if I get the Mancos job ) or maybe u35 if we can draw again, or leftover list if I dont.

Antelope- RFW tag or u144 or 145 off the leftover list

It'd be nice to have a Realtree hunt like first one in Taylor Park or the 2nd one in Cement Creek, but the older I get ( 61 this yr ) it seems the harder it is to get people together to do any thing.

AKsheephuntress talked about coming to COlo with her husband to hunt elk some year soon but not sure her plans as I hadnt seenher on Facebook since Sept.

So whetehr we are hunting, planning, or talking about planning it's all great fun...

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Hey Charlie, I am pretty sure you would have a good shot at a first rifle with 0 points in 80 if you would rather go a little earlier.

gee i hadnt thot of that, earlier would be better maybe. it was so hot early last yr they didnt start taking bulls til it got cold they told me at the store. and i do like the warmer weather and pretty trees. hmmm...

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