New 75 gr. MX3's

Straight Shooter

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I currently shoot the original 75 grain heads, do you currently have or plan on trying these new heads out? I will get a pack of these and see if they fly better, worse, or the same as my original heads. If you have all ready got these, please give me some information on them. I know alot of folks have been using the MX 3's and 4's with not many if any complaint's.

Thank you.

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I haven't shot them but the one question I would have is why shoot the 75's and lose cut diameter? I'm guessing to speed the bow up? I can say that I still shoot the muzzy 3 blades in 100 grain and I've never had a malfunction. In fact my buck from this year took a muzzy behind the shoulder and passed directly through the point of the opposite shoulder and the broadhead had one blade that bent about 20 degrees but stayed intact and that deer dressed at 208 lbs and was 4.5 so you bones aren't gonna get much heavier than at that age. I love the muzzys!

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I'm not worried about the speed and I used the 100's for several years then made the switchin 2003 to the 75's. I only lost 3/16" of an inch in cutting diameter going to the 75's and only gain 7 fps, no big deal. I've taken out both shoulders with these heads as well, I am a true Muzzy fan and will always have them in my quiver. The primary reason I did was the inconsistancy of the heads shooting witht he 100's versus the 75's. I would always have a flier or two with the 100's. I want to disspell any of, "My arrows or bows weren't tuned properly". that isn't the issue at all. My bows are the first priority and arrows are second, I take great care in setting up my bows and my arrows so to be sure everything is square, cut clean and flush, no cam lean, tiller is set, timing is set, peep rotation and all.

As for the killing difference between the two heads, not an issue. I've taken 34 deer with the 75's and they are just as dead as with a 100 grain head. If the 3/16" makes that much of a difference on killing I can gain that baack with the new MX3 since the 75's have a 1 3/16" cutting diameter.

I am only asking if anyone has tried them or planning on trying them, the MX's are alot like the Slick Tricks with the blade angle and those are some great heads too. I can't really switch over comletely to the MX3's because I am the original 75 head poor. I've got over 50 of them and the price on these new for three is outragious. I might get a pack just to see how the difference, if any is besides the cutting diameter.

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From what I understand the MX3 was built to compete with the slick tricks, they were also designed to fly better with blazer vanes. However with the performance issues i've had with slick tricks lead me to stray away from broadheads with that steep of a cut angle. But if you do try them out let me know how they fly!

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