Concealed carry gun


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Was carrying G26 all the time. Then this past summer bought a LCP. Most of the time I carry the LCP now and keep the G26 in the truck.

If I am carrying I have the piece with me. No exceptions. I never leave a gun behind. I certainly don't want a gun lying around in my truck while I am off doing something and when I return I find someone has broken into my truck and is going through my belongings. You should either secure it or leave it home under security.

A bad habit could be developed by leaving a gun hanging around. Locked doors are meaningless nowadays.


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If I am carrying I have the piece with me. No exceptions. I never leave a gun behind. I certainly don't want a gun lying around in my truck while I am off doing something and when I return I find someone has broken into my truck and is going through my belongings. You should either secure it or leave it home under security.

A bad habit could be developed by leaving a gun hanging around. Locked doors are meaningless nowadays.


There are places you find where it is posted that you cannot carry and must leave your pistol in your vehicle or secure it in a lock box at the entry of the establishment you are entering. Many of us have lock boxes in our vehicles because of this.


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