Ladder stands...


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Any of you leave your ladder stand(s) up year round? I have one sitting out back that I used a few times, and I am debating leaving it up of not. Not worried about people taking it, but I am wondering how messed up it would get back there. It is in an area that floods in the spring time, would this hurt and rust the bottom portion of the ladder? or will it be fine? It is an Ameristep 2-man ladder stand if that matters.

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I leave all my stands out, two are ladders..the tree lounges I bring back in....One MUST make the rounds to adjust straps/tree steps every year....things can get chewed up..tower blinds get a pack of Decon spring and fall..or a small bar bait..I buy it by the jug...the whole farm gets laced with it including in the combines, or anyplace grain is stored, and even throw a couple up in the house attic crawl space

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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Yeah, I have a ton of straps I can replace them with. My big concern is that area getting a bit swampy in the spring time when things start to thaw out. It is probably only about 6 inches or so of the bottom of the ladder that would be sitting in the water for a few months and don't know how it would effect the stand, if it would rust and ruin it.

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I generally bring everything in. I may leave it out this year, but I'll chain it to the tree instead of hoping my cloth strap holds up. Can you remove the lowest section of the stand and get it out of the water? If not how about lifting it up and placing a plastic tube around the bases. Think they make some kind of water repelant spray on stuff as well.

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I leave my ladder stands out. I have found that with the ladder stands especially the 2 man stands that they need to be in the area for deer to get used to them, actually see a lot more deer the second season they have been out. I remove all of the cushions and blind material for the winter. The biggest thing to do is make sure there is no open holes in the stand where water can get into the metal tubing form the top. If that happens the water will freeze and expand. If they have any open screw holes or such I fill them with gorilla glue so water cannot run down and stand in the tubing. If the plastic caps fall out of the ends I wad up paper and stuff in the holes and cover with gorilla glue.

Hope that helps....

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Where I hunt in both GA and NC things get missing during the off season. I take everything down in GA and take double stands down here in NC. In NC they do not seem to mess with the single stands just the high priced doubles.

In NC I replace my straps every year or two. All my ladder stands and hang-ons have locks on them. That just keeps the honest people from stealing them. I also remove blind material and seat cushions.

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