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I trapped this opposum in a live trap and he was not in a very happy mood. The bad part is that i live in town and had nothing to kill it with so i had to let him go. I poked it with a stick to see what it would do and it got even madder. :gun1::poke:

Cute little bugger!!!! lol

I hope you have a trapping license and it's still in season... A lot of people just set out traps in town and then get busted for illegal trapping and the fines can be very stiff....:jaw:

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Don't know about your regs where you are, but they are a nuisance here. Imagine in town removing an animal that should not be there may not be seen as "trapping".

Good sized stick over the back of the head will do ok in a tight. Don't let them go!

Possums carry some pretty nasty diseases that can kill livestock. I would not have let it go either.

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I had some living under an outbuilding one year, I used a a few live traps and caught 5 in 3 days and that must of been all of them. I agree they are not very happy in there, but I can say they looked much more peaceful when I released them back into the wild :angel1:

Edited by HuntingPA
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"Billy" the externinator says; those possums are NARLY man!!

Diseases Opossums May Carry

Opossums carry a variety of ectoparasites such as fleas, ticks, mites and lice that may also bite humans. Fleas are common on opossums, flea eggs and larva, are shed in areas frequented by opossums. Murine Typhus has been transmitted to humans by the fleas of opossums in Southern California. Other diseases opossums may carry include; tularemia, salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and coccidiosis. Infected animals may transmit Leptospirosis to humans and other animals through their urine and feces. Rabies is rare in opossums since they have some immunity to the virus. Pets, horses and other wildlife are also at risk for disease infection associated with opossums.

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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50 gallon drum of water solves any gun issues........al

I tried to drown a rat I caught in a live-trap once, in a 5 gallon bucket, but when I went to put the trap in the bucket, the door opened accidently, and the rat ran up my arm, across my shoulers behind my head, and jumped to the ground to make his escape.

LOL...Gave me the WILLIES :oops::D

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