Heatin' up

TN Bucknasty

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Y'all been watching my boy Wade at all? He's tearing it up. I've never seen someone who was able to draw so many fouls and get to the bucket so much. His partners aren't doing to badly either. The Heat has been really exciting to watch, especially if you like dunks and 3 pointers. The defense hasn't been preforming as well as they were earlier, but I think they'll have it all worked out by crunch time.

The league is weird this year with teams that are either really strong or really weak without much in the middle.

I've enjoyed watching Rose and company over in Chicago although I don't view them as a contender.

Boston is still Boston. You just can't make safe predictions about them one way or the other.

I think Orlando has made some good moves with personnel in the past few weeks. Ditching Carter was a smart move for the franchise and for him. Arenas was a steal.

The West looks better than it has in awhile. I think Dallas could do really well this time as could San Antonio.

I've really turned on the Lakers, Kobe's attitude and arrogance has totally gotten out of hand. It's like watching the bratty kid on the playground. I hope they get destroyed early in the playoffs. Its about time for someone to go Spreewell on him. Maybe Artest's shrink or Wallace's parole officer will call in sick, and I'll get my wish.

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