Years spent on this forum....


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A post in the youth room about how we all used to keep that place rolling got me to thinking about how long folks have been on this board. Many folks have been here for years and so much life has happened. I think it's pretty cool that I can look back 8 years and say I was a part of this place. I was 15 when I joined as (Young_Buck15) and am now 24. Thats pretty neat when ya think back to all the life events that occured during those times that we all shared with each other. I went from a pimple faced freshman in HS, to a college party animal, to a police officer, to a pipeliner who is married with a kid. I have been on around 10 different hunts with various Oklahoma forum members, of which a few have become very close friends. I have met forum members from 4-5 states. Enjoyed archery shoots with many members.

It's just neat to look back at it all, and for me proves that time flys so fast. Seems just like yesterday I was on here in highschool posting about baseball and fights/trips to the principals office.


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I suppose I will be crucified for this, But I cant help but think that you guys with thousands & thousands of posts might find your time better spent actually visiting face to face with friends or family, or doing something constructive rather than spending hours on here everyday trying to keep up with the drama?

By the way, I am speaking as one who was guilty of falling into thesame trap....neglecting waaaay more important people, & things in my life to spend time online.

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Been here over 10 years now, seen quite a bit with these forums. Seen a lot of good things take place here and think there is plenty more good still yet to see. Some members have grown up and stuck around and some grow up and become too busy which is understandable. Also seen some members overcome challenges in life and unfortunately seen some lose challenges in life. Pretty cool or neat as Kyle puts it that we have these forums to share.

Think I also remember a time when things were a bit out of hand here and there was a consideration of shutting down the forums, was not a moderator here at that time though so don't have a clue what was involved then behind the scenes.

Yeah, got to agree with Steve, think I am gonna stick around.

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Its been a dang good time here. Most of you have been with me as I made a huge life changing journey.... ... have mey some good folk people here and have come away with some pretty dang good friends. I am looking forward to many more meetings in the future and hopefully hunting trips.

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I moved to finish my degree and there were no openings for an officer locally. I then got dragged into what I do now and haven't done it since. I'm still dreaming for state trooper. They open in 2012.

Oh yea, wanted it pretty badly myself years ago. Scored in the 96th percentile NYS police exam in 1992. Never heard anything, I was told that being a white male counted against you back then. college...then more I knew it my....ahem...."late thirties":) snuck up on me.

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Being a state trooper is what I went to school for. I didn't get accepted my first application round....made it my 2nd time, but had to withdraw cause my testing date was the same day my dad had his motorcycle accident, and now that I've been told I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot they freeze hiring for 3 years lol. It is what it is.....Til then I'll just keep pipelining and hopefully get my business off the ground.

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True alot has happened over the time we all have been here.

I know some of my time does not show as a couple of my forum names did not make it through a tough time for a friend who needed a boost of support and forum upgrades/changes. It does not matter though whats important to each and everyone of us will remain. I remember sitting for long periods of time looking at that picture of a treestand, swamp, and listening to that noisey crow on some young buck's website. At the time I was living in Florida and had actually seen places that looked similar so it would take me back there to relive hunts.

Many reasons for people to enjoy this place and every one of them revolve around how well we treat our fellow forum members.

LOL...I know...there are a few who when they read that thought about dropping a few others down into that well.

The point is to treat people the way you want treated...You may very well be in that proverbial Well with them someday.

You could either be in the Twilight Zone with your worst enemy or searching for a Water Source to put in a Food Plot together:yes::D

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Yep Kyle I can remember when you were just a kitten...LOL...

Been a member since 2002 and have had alot of fun...

Alot of things have happened between that time. Really to many to mention but I do have say I have enjoyed every bit of it...

It's been great...


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