What Ammo do you shoot?


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I am curious as to the ammo folks are shooting. I tend to shoot remanufactured a fair amount. Even my hunting loads for my 44mag are remans from a place in Friendship, Wisconsin. I do shoot factory loads when on sale. I don't shoot much odd stuff though. What do you have good luck? Any good outlets to buy target ammo from? Who reloads their own handgun ammo?

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I shoot the exact same ammo for target as i do for carry. It has never made sense to me to shoot a bullet that will not function the same as the bullet i'm going to use to protect my or my families safety. The reason for carrying a weapons is to defend ones self, so why in the world would someone put thier training, and practice into a bullet that they have no intention of using to do the job.

I shoot 220gr federal hydroshock out of my .45acp.

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I shoot whatever is cheapest for practice. No steel case ammo though. I reload for my 45 ACP after shooting up the cheap ammo. I carry what the cops use for self defense so a jury can't make me out to be any different than a cop stopping a bad guy. My pistols aren't fussy as to what goes through them. SIG P220 and a Beretta 92. I've shot them until they ceased to fuction so I know what they will do. The Beretta was purchased in june and stopped working in december during a USPSA shoot when I had to clean it and the mags. That's over 7000 rounds of various ammo.

Edited by m gardner
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I shoot whatever is cheapest for practice. No steel case ammo though. I reload for my 45 ACP after shooting up the cheap ammo. I carry what the cops use for self defense so a jury can't make me out to be any different than a cop stopping a bad guy. My pistols aren't fussy as to what goes through them. SIG P220 and a Beretta 92. I've shot them until they ceased to fuction so I know what they will do. The Beretta was purchased in june and stopped working in december during a USPSA shoot when I had to clean it and the mags. That's over 7000 rounds of various ammo.

LE carries .45 down there? Just about every agency around here carries a .40 (usually a Glock), there was plenty of .40 ammo around when other calibers were out of stock for months on end.

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No, I just carry the same ammo that they would carry if they did like Federal Hydrashocks. Carry a factory load designed for law enforcement. Winchester PDX1 is another. Though one agency who I'm friendly with here are allowed to carry 45's and check with the New York State police, my friend there is carrying a Glock in 45 GAP. One municipality here still likes the 9mm in Glocks. The idea is to look the same as the good guys from the government.

Edited by m gardner
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No, I just carry the same ammo that they would carry if they did like Federal Hydrashocks. Carry a factory load designed for law enforcement. Winchester PDX1 is another. Though one agency who I'm friendly with here are allowed to carry 45's and check with the New York State police, my friend there is carrying a Glock in 45 GAP. One municipality here still likes the 9mm in Glocks. The idea is to look the same as the good guys from the government.

Oh I gotcha....Same type, different cal.

Makes sense.

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I shoot the exact same ammo for target as i do for carry. It has never made sense to me to shoot a bullet that will not function the same as the bullet i'm going to use to protect my or my families safety. The reason for carrying a weapons is to defend ones self, so why in the world would someone put thier training, and practice into a bullet that they have no intention of using to do the job.

I shoot 220gr federal hydroshock out of my .45acp.

I mean no offense by any of my comments......:)

But I find this VERY interesting.......I know and agree 100% that each piece of ammo shoots differently.

But for shooting at a 8 or 10 inch area I don't 't think my target ammo shoots that much differently than my carry ammo. Now if I was trying to shoot golf balls at 50 yards or so with my handgun that would be different. But point blank to 20 yards I am happy with hitting my 5 to 10 inch square depending on my target...

But as much as we (wife and I) shoot especially during the warmer months I can't imagine feeding our guns all that more expensive ammo for practicing.:2guns:

Again no offense meant just found this interesting :)

I shoot whatever is cheapest for practice. No steel case ammo though.

Same for me.

Carry hornady critical defense.

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I prefer handloads I have worked up to be accurate in my gun. As far as being afraid of a jury, I consider this as BS at best. If I have a carry permit and had to defend myself against someone shooting at me there is no jury in the country who would convict me of carrying a " trick, or overloaded gun " This would make as much sense as: If somebody was threatening me with a .380 and I put them down with a .40, would I be convicted of a crime because I had the upperhand? I think not!

This is just my opinion but I think a lot of this is much-a-do 'bout nothing.

I would never be satisfied with a 8-10" shot pattern or group.

Hope I never have to test this theory.


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I prefer handloads I have worked up to be accurate in my gun. As far as being afraid of a jury, I consider this as BS at best. If I have a carry permit and had to defend myself against someone shooting at me there is no jury in the country who would convict me of carrying a " trick, or overloaded gun " This would make as much sense as: If somebody was threatening me with a .380 and I put them down with a .40, would I be convicted of a crime because I had the upperhand? I think not!

This is just my opinion but I think a lot of this is much-a-do 'bout nothing.

I would never be satisfied with a 8-10" shot pattern or group.

Hope I never have to test this theory.


The carry concealed classes here actually teach this as part of the course. They suggest factory personal protection ammo and one guy that teaches, who worked for the DA, says to call the police and ask what they use. You will be painted as a kill crazed cretin otherwise and may be jailed. You may not escape civil penalties. The anti-gun folks have made sure that you will be severely punished somehow and civil penalties work just fine. The cost of a lawyer will hurt too.

When someone speaks of hitting an 8 inch circle with their carry gun they are referring to being able to put shots in the vitals of a human 7 yards away that desperately needs stopping. Usually in under 1.5 seconds from the holster. Not bullseye shooting. Any ammo will do. Here's a video of one of the best in the world missing an 8 inch plate occassionally. It ain't easy, especially if you and/or the target is moving.

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