A good hunt

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My buddy called and asked if I wanted to do a quick predator hunt yesterday. Not 3 minutes into the first set I spot a dog running in to the tune of a dying cottontail playing on the Foxpro. Since I saw it first, I get first shot. At ~100 yds my buddy and I both voice bark to stop this hungry dog, head on. I settled the crosshairs on the head of the varmint and let the H&R .223 do its job. Dropped him right there and watched his tail let out a few last death wags. I let out a little holler and then we thought we may as well give it a few more calling sequences. Not 7 minutes from the first dog down, I spot movement down to my left--big dog! I tell Shane to get on him, but this ol guy starts getting nervous. Shane tells me to get him, and I swing my gun up and free-handed him at 75 yards. This old guy was running with another dog that took off at the shot and never would stop for us to get a shot...he got himself a top-notch education at the expense of his buddy that day. Can't complain too much about a hunt like that. Got the predator hunting fire lit under me again.


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