Well the season started off great, the rut was on. I had spent allot of time months getting ready, setting up trail cams, mok scrapes the whole 9 yards.
Our season opened on a Saturday and I saw ALLOT of does but no bucks. On Sunday morning right at daylight I started making my way to my stand and as usual the area in front of it had about 20 does there. I was spending so much time worrying about watching them and not the forground that all of a sudden I could see a HUGE boby about 40 yards away between me and the does. I put the scope on it and sure enough it was a nice big ten point. I was getting ready to sqeeze the trigger when he bolted and started chasing does, I tried to sneak up and get a closer shot but by the time I got to the top of my knole he was gone with does. I sat in my stand for 8 hours and finally right at dark out came 8 does and sure enough he was right at the end of the train. It was about a 30 yard shot standing but between 2 trees. I put the cross hairs on him and pulled the trigger. To my suprise he was still standing and had not run. I MISSED !!, I could not belive it, the does were scattering all over I drove another shell in and fired again, he ran off tail down.
I figured for sure he was done, when I walked up to where he was standing nothing but hair !! the first time I had hit the tree on the left ( must have pulled ) and the 2nd I put the chair I was sitting in up on it's side and I guess pulled again. My whole season was ruined for me, the shot could not have been handed to me any better and I blew it.
Well I continued to hunt all that week and Wednesday night came along, I was in my stand as usuall and it was full of does. It was almost dark about 4 minutes away and this doe was about 20 feet from my ground blind and she must have winded me because she was blowing and blowing. I did not want to get out of my ground blind with her there so I put my Doe Bleet ( Can Version ) out the windows and let it go twice, then I put my grunt out the window and grunted twice. All of a sudden from the swamp behind me all you could hear was deer running. There was a huge buck right there and when he heard the grunt ran all the deer still in the heavy brush out and came running out about 80 yards from my stand looking for fight.
He was looking head on at the does between me and him and the light was fading fast, so I put the cross hairs on dead center of chest and pulled the trigger. He dropped in his tracks.
I got the flashlight out and when I got up to him could not believe my eyes. He was not the same 10 point but a HUGE 8 point I had not see at all until now. No trail cam pics , no scouting previews nothing.
I have not scored him yet but he was 246 LBS and his bases are 3-4 inches. I am glad it happened this way as this 8 was much bigger thna that 10 pointer.
By far one of the BEST hunts yet and hopefully more to come. On another note 1 day after I took this buck another was right in my stand scaping and rubbing again, I am assuming it was the 10 point.