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Everything posted by Chrud

  1. The driveway for my apartment is directly across the street from Southwest High. Easy to tell where I live lol! Cabela's is looking good! Most of the road work looks like it is done. I can't imagine how crazy that place will be the first couple weeks.
  2. Chrud

    Long Time No Post

    To - Still doing the dirt modified racing. Moved to Green Bay so I'm closer to Kiel so I can work on the car more often. Still sitting on 13 career Feature wins. - Packers fan, and now a proud owner! Went to 4 games last year, including the playoff win over Minnesota. Actually walked to Lambeau for the opener against the 49ers last year. - The new Cabela's is HUGE! Sometimes I'll go for a ride on 41 at night just so I can see in the store! The road construction for the store is pretty much done, so it won't be long now! - Green Bay is amazing. Like mentioned, you can make it as big or as little as you want. I don't venture onto the east side of the river too often. The west side has the best attractions, in my opinion. In all honesty, I think Wausau is bigger in size than Green Bay is. The opportunities here are endless. - Yes Al, I'm am stalk-worthy on Facebook lol!
  3. My address says Green Bay, on Packerland Drive. A couple miles north is Howard and a couple miles south is Ashwaubenon. The new Cabela's is looking pretty awesome! After years of nothing being in that location, it is cool to drive down Lombardi or Highway 41 and see that gigantic building!
  4. Chrud

    Long Time No Post

    Wow, it's been a while! Probably years! I've been told I'm missing out and better check in with you guys. What's new with everyone? I know a few of you keep up with me on Facebook, so you know the shenanigans I've been up to and the significant changes I've experienced the last year or so. The biggest one has been moving from little Aniwa, WI (population 249) to Green Bay, WI (population 104,000). It has, however, been one of...maybe the best...thing that has ever happened to me.
  5. Former mod. Lunch could be a good time! I live about 3 1/2 miles from Lambeau Field, or about 2 3/4 miles from the new Cabela's.
  6. I have a Nikon Coolpix S4000 digital camera I'd like to sell. Here is a link to it on Nikon's website: COOLPIX S4000 from Nikon The camera I have is silver. Most places sell the camera for around $140 or so. The camera is brand new. The only thing I've done to it was put a screen protector on it (I will also include all the protectors I have left). Otherwise I've only taken a few "test" pictures with it. I'm not too fond of the touch-screen setup. I'd like to sell it for $80 USD to your door. You can send me a PM or email if you are interested. I check my email often, and that is probably the best way to reach me. My email is: [email protected]. Thanks for looking! Matt
  7. Thanks Al. I've got these listed on AT also and there has been zero interest so far. I'm really surprised too, considering just about everything is brand new, except for one wash cycle.
  8. Mike Singletary better watch out. I caught a clip of Frazier's interview. Things won't change in Minnesota. All they played was how he said the team needs to rally around Favre. I'm almost to the point where I feel sorry for Vikings fans...almost. You're now stuck with the Favre cancer, and he's ruined your team. Do you believe this is the same guy you all went crazy for last year? What a game to watch. Quite a performance by the "Legend Killer", Aaron Rodgers. There is your dagger!
  9. I have a bunch of camo and a couple non-camo clothing items for sale. Every item, with the exception of two items, have never been worn. Everything was purchased for hunting and washed in Scent-A-Way detergent and dried in a dryer with a Scent-A-Way Fresh Earth dryer sheet. Because they've been washed, I will sell them for less than the brand-new price, even though they've never been worn except for trying the items on. Under Armour Heat Gear Long Sleeve T-Shirt (Loose Fit) (1) Black - Size XXL - $15.00 (Not sure on the new price, guessing around $25) Gander Mountain Cotton Twill 6-Pocket Cargo Pants (2) Realtree AP HD Camo - Size XXL - $20.00 Each (About $35 to $40 new) ***See note below (1) Realtree AP HD Camo - Size XXL - $15.00 (These have been worn a few times, but look new) ***See note below Whitewater Outdoors Realtree Pro Series Cotton Twill 6-Pocket Cargo Pants (1) Realtree AP HD Camo - Size XXL - $20.00 (Guessing $35 to $40 new) ***See note below Whitewater Outdoors Upland Vest (1) Tan / Blaze Orange - Size XL - $20.00 (Was $40 new, and been used on 1 hunt) ***Note on the pants. The "ties" at the bottom of the pants have been cut out. I never use them, so I remove them as soon as I purchase them. I don't have any pictures currently. I will gladly take pictures for anyone who needs to see the actual items. Here are a few links to some of the products: UA Heat Gear L/S T-Shirt (I don't think that this is the exact shirt, but looks very, very close) Gander Mountain Camo Pants You can reply to this post, send me a PM or email me at [email protected]. An email is probably going to get you the fastest response, but I will check all three. I will ship anywhere in the lower 48. I'm going to ask for $5 per purchase for shipping (shipping with FedEx Ground, likely will cost me about $7 to $9, and you will get a tracking number the day it ships). I will consider discounts on the prices if two or more items are purchased together. I prefer money order for payment. Thanks for looking. Please contact me with any questions or if you are interested. Matt
  10. We're finally starting to see a few bucks on camera. I've only been able to get out three times so far this season, which is pretty disappointing. I'm hoping to take a couple afternoons off this week to spend some time in the stand.
  11. That's what you punks get for doing our "Jump Around"! That was an awesome game from my bar stool. I've never seen Wisconsin beat a #1 team before. Aside from the Rose Bowl wins, this is easily the biggest win I've seen as a Badgers fan. Last night would have been the absolute perfect night to be in Madison.:drink: I would imagine all UW colleges went pretty crazy last night.
  12. Really? Wow, that is something. I know of a few tracks that usually have about a 20 pound tolerance, to account for fuel loss if there are a lot of cautions. Another funny scenario from this weekend regarding inspections. We got DQ'ed from our Heat race on Saturday night because the scuff marks on our tires were outside the tread (when the tire was brand new, the scuffs were to the outside tread). Our LF tire was approved before running Sunday's B-Main. We never touched the tire with the grinder on Saturday or Sunday. After winning our B-Main, with a LF tire that was approved that morning, they wanted to DQ us again because of that tire. And, we had a plastic zip-tie holding a cable out of the way of the LR shock and spring. We were nearly DQ'ed for that, too. Favoritism, friendship and bias plays a part in all types of racing, whether it be a local track or NASCAR. Some folks get a free pass through tech while others get looked at under a microscope. Become the best friend of the tech inspector, never second guess them, don't speak your mind and you'll be fine.
  13. Like I said, UW is overrated. Not surprised they lost. 17-22 is a more accurate ranking for them.
  14. Unfortunately, I think Wisconsin is overrated. Wisconsin is good, but I don't think they are a Top 10 team. They were not impressive in any of their first three games. Wisconsin should win, but I wouldn't be surprised if they lost.
  15. That is a tough break for Bowyer. I don't think NASCAR should be able to confiscate the whole car and take it to their own R&D center. They should have their tech at the track after the race. If a car fails, DQ the car, 2nd place gets the win and the car that is illegal gets 0 points and no prize money. Allowing the teams some gray area to play around with setups and to try new things would make for better racing.
  16. That pretty much sums it up perfectly. The charade Favre went through every year with "am I coming back or not" got really old. He knew exactly what he wanted. He used the Jets in 2008 so he could get to Minnesota. Anyone who does not realize that is totally blind. It isn't that he is playing for Minnesota that changed my opinion of him. It is the way he went about it. Darren Sharper and Ryan Longwell are two long-time Packers who went to Minnesota as free agents. My opinion of those two players hasn't changed because they went to a different team the right way. Favre thinks he is bigger than the game. Unfortunately, it seems like the only ones who don't see it are the few Favre fans that support the Packers and the Vikings fans. Funny how Vikings fans went from hating the man to loving him overnight.
  17. Based on your posts in this thread alone, you need to start your own sports network!
  18. Bingo. I can't stand ESPN.
  19. The "pay-back" from Kyle wasn't necessary. He put himself in the wall when he tried to slide in front of the 22 and the 22 didn't lift. It was brilliant for Kyle to retaliate that way though. Since Brad is on probation, he couldn't get Kyle back, no matter how bad he wanted to. At least Kyle didn't cause a multi-car pile up with his retaliation. That was probably the "softest" pay-back I've seen. He spun out a driver who he felt did him wrong during the race. He didn't flip anyone's car into the catch fence, and he didn't cause a huge wreck. Not saying I agree with it, but very nice pay-back, Kyle.
  20. Perfection. You know, the 1996 Packers were a great team. Offense, defense and special teams. Without question, the defense was the calling card of that team. He won't be nearly as good this year. The Saints showed how to beat the "new" Favre last year. Any team in the league would take a couple 15 yard roughing penalties to knock him down and out. The Queens will be 2nd to the Pack in the North this year.
  21. Of course it was not meant that way. This... is pretty much why I made the comment about the internet racer. Too often some fans make comments like that when their preferred driver is involved in a incident. Of course I have no idea what happened behind the scenes with that wreck. I used to get pretty fired up like IT, so I can understand his passion. Once I began working on a race car and spending my weekends at the track, it totally changed how I looked at and reacted to racing. I apologized for calling him that, and I think it's time to move on. As for Ethan's comments, you are exactly right. On some of our local racing forums, there are fans who have never talked to, or even met the driver I pit for and they would still go on the forums and talk trash about him and the team. Haters hate, whether they've met you or not (and they just happen to be the ones that spend the race nights in the stands). However, the other 99% of fans we are very grateful for. We were reminded again Saturday night how amazing racing fans can be.:rockon: