Hey guys,
First off let me welcome all the new guys here. Merry Christmas as well. I really do hope you all can set these smart mouthed posts, and badgering aside. I am one of the Youth Mods here, and if you won't respect any of our other mods, I ask that you respect the kids on here. I myself am a youth, and I hate seeing arguements and harsh words on this site. Now as for my fellow mods, some of them may have jumped the gun...............but we all make a mistake. As you can see, most of them are now trying to welcome you guys into this wonderful famiily website. At least you can do the same, and maybe calm down, and not be so "tacky" in your posts. I mean, if you wanna gloat on how you have been warned, edited, or whatever, then I can only give you the advise as to either A. Do what the Mods tell you, and post according to forum rules, without being smart mouths, or B. Find another board. I in no way intend to be a jerk, or anything at all. I just ask all of you ADULTS, on both sides, to sit back and realize you are acting like kids, and need to stop. Plus remeber litttle eyes read these posts as well. Thanks guys!