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Everything posted by The_Kat

  1. Re: how good of a shot? When I was in boyscouts, I won the air rifle state championship for 10 and under. As far as bow shooting goes, I am not the best. With a BP I am so so. With my .270 I can shoot a pop can out to 400 yds. With a shotgun, I dunno, I can hit ducks, but I have never shot clays....... YB15
  2. Re: Great Game!!! I think JJL won???????
  3. Re: A Proposition I am all for a trip after season. Missourii, kansas, Texas, Arkansas, You name it, I'll be there. Lake Texoma in Oklahoma has nice resort, and nice cabin as well to stay in for good money.
  4. Not a problem there Jimt, thanks again for all you do, and I appreciate you helpng our Youth Forum. YB15
  5. Re: Release 144 since yer up north
  6. Re: Whitetail Addiction So it does work Dog???? It's on sale at my Wally World for 2.00$ a bag. And 4.00$ for the liquid kind.................should I go buy???? YB15
  7. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE Hey guys, First off let me welcome all the new guys here. Merry Christmas as well. I really do hope you all can set these smart mouthed posts, and badgering aside. I am one of the Youth Mods here, and if you won't respect any of our other mods, I ask that you respect the kids on here. I myself am a youth, and I hate seeing arguements and harsh words on this site. Now as for my fellow mods, some of them may have jumped the gun...............but we all make a mistake. As you can see, most of them are now trying to welcome you guys into this wonderful famiily website. At least you can do the same, and maybe calm down, and not be so "tacky" in your posts. I mean, if you wanna gloat on how you have been warned, edited, or whatever, then I can only give you the advise as to either A. Do what the Mods tell you, and post according to forum rules, without being smart mouths, or B. Find another board. I in no way intend to be a jerk, or anything at all. I just ask all of you ADULTS, on both sides, to sit back and realize you are acting like kids, and need to stop. Plus remeber litttle eyes read these posts as well. Thanks guys! YB15
  8. Re: Windshield wipers Good Post, and I think it is neat how God can work, especially through a young one...........
  9. Re: Ever spill Tinks 69 on yourself?? [email protected], never had tinks 69 bust on me, but just the other day, I spilled an entire full bottle of racoon scent all in my pocket, and man.......I couldn't stand it. Talk about scent control YB15
  10. Re: Horrible news today Thats terrible news. God Bless, and I too send my sympathy and prayers.
  11. The_Kat


    Re: Occupation From August to May-I am a Student June to August-I am a lawn care specialist/ professional Gofer. ( go Fer this and Go fer that ) YB
  12. The_Kat

    Road Trips

    Re: Road Trips Yes sir, It was my first episode to watch, and let me tell you, I will be sure to watch it from now on. That is awesome that Realtree and Michael Waddel took that little guy out. Way to go guys! YB15
  13. The_Kat

    Admit it...

    Re: Admit it... Yes, jenn got me hooked on it, and GOLDBERG!!!!!
  14. Re: Serious weather brings back memories of the tornado back in OKC awhile ago. It didn't do much here but hail. It hailed on my truck when I was on my way home and I had to pull over. I got about 15 little dings all over my truck now. It just came outta nowhere.
  15. Re: CB Radios....... MC, I think your stretching it on the Good Buddy thing. If yer being honest then almost every trucker in America is gay Yes, they're really fun sometimes. Hey I wanna get a pretty good cb with good reception, any clues or advice?
  16. I was just curious as to who all had CB radios , or who used them and for what purpose. My dad and I use ours for travel information from other drivers while driving long distances. Truck drivers are great free info on weather, hy-pos, and other road stuff. I also use mine while hunting with friends and my radio is good enough to reach the check station so I can see how things are going. So how about any of you????
  17. Re: Do you use any other forums??? check out this forum YB15
  18. Re: Do you use any other forums??? yea they are........I don't use outdoorsite much, i have only about 10 posts lol
  19. I use this one most often, but I also use forum some, as well as a high school sports forum for Oklahoma. Just curious? YB15