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Everything posted by KSBOWHUNTER

  1. I just had one put on last summer, I went with red and black. http://www.vaportrailarchery.com/strings.asp
  2. Thanks ya'll, I apperciate the ideas and the information on where to get them. I combined your ideas with mine and sent an e-mail to onestringer, I'll let you know how they turn out. Thanks again, Greg
  3. Any of ya'll know where I might be able to find some arrow wraps with NCAA team logos? I'm looking for some Arkansas Razorback ones.
  4. I have write an argumentative paper for my English Comp II class. The instructor told us to pick a controversial subject, so I decided to do mine on hunting (pro vs. anti), but I need some web sites to get info from on both sides of the issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. Greg
  5. Mine was the morning that I thought I had my release in my fanny pack, but it was actually in my backpack. I didn't realize that until I already had my climber up the tree and the sun was coming up. So I decided that since I used to shoot fingers that it wasn't that big of a deal. I never realized how hard it was to keep an arrow on a prong style rest while shooting fingers. I missed the buck of a lifetime, but did manage to drill a nice 400 pt. oak tree!
  6. Re: Troy Smith LMBO I loved it when the Florida player lost his helmet and still went after, and sacked Smith.
  7. Re: Who claims the buck We had something similar happen a few years back on a lease that me and 4 others had. Two guys were talking when a nice 9 point came out, one shot then the other shot after the deer didn't fall. Both men hit the deer but didn't know which shot put it down, so they flipped a coin to see who got the deer. The guy that shot first ended up winning the coin toss, and that ended up being the last deer he shot. He died of colon cancer before the next deer season.
  8. Re: Most over used phrase in BCS National Champion [ QUOTE ] Ohio State is simply OVERRATED. PERIOD!!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] agreed. GO SEC!!!!!!!
  9. Re: The bow paint ball gun I saw it in Bowhunting World Magazine, they also have one that shoots .22 cal pellets.
  10. Re: 216- Heismann Congrats to Troy. But I think the Heisman has become more of a publicity contest than an award that goes to the best college athlete. With that being said, I'd like to start the 2007 Heisman race by saying "D-MAC for the Heisman 2007".
  11. I just bought a ground blind for this season and was just wondering how the shoot thru mesh on the windows affects arrow flight? When hunting out of the blind I plan on shooting Muzzy 100 gr. heads.

    KS Get-Together??

    Re: KS Get-Together?? Sounds like fun, count me in. I know Fall River wild life area has quite a few birds, good fishing & camping. Also quite a bit of walk-in land around the area.
  13. Thinking about buying one in the $100-$150 range any suggestions?
  14. Re: Which Fletcher? I just bought a Bitzenberger Dial-o-fletch last month at Bass Pro for $60.00 all metal const. & real easy to use.
  15. Re: Best college football games of the week!!! colorado v colorado state texas a & m v. clemson those are the only ones i watched.
  16. Re: Wave of the future or just a gimic????? I saw one @ Heartland Outdoors in Hutchinson, Ks my buddy saw the guy in the archery dept shooting it, and said it looked he was having a hard time keeping it steady.
  17. I just bought a bitzenberger fletching jig & repaired some of my older arrows, but I've had some of the new fletchings fall off when I shoot. I'm not sure if I didn't get the shaft clean enough, or just didn't get enough glue on the vane. If it's glue thats easy enough to take care of but, if it's the shaft i'm not sure what to do, the vanes I used are Easton plastifletch and the instructions said not to use any solvets to clean the shaft, just an abrasive cleaner like AJAX or Comet. Thats what I did and they fell off, any suggestions on what to use in the future, it kinda sucks to to be at a 3-d shot and have 2 vanes fall off of your arrow half way to the target. Thanks in advance for any help.
  18. Re: S-Coil Stablizer... I bought one a couple of weeks ago @ Dick's for 19.99, I figured that by the time i drove the 2 1/2" hours to Bass Pro, or paid the shipping, it would probably be cheeper in the long run.
  19. Anyone in here use one? I just bought one, and hope it will quiet my down some.
  20. Re: Hog Hunting Question Check out Bowsafari in Coalgate Oklahoma, I shot 2 nice hogs there last month. www.bowsafari.com
  21. I was just thinking, If baking soda eliminates oders in the refrigorator, would it do the same on you? If so that would be cheaper than any of the scent elimination powders on the market. But i'm not sure about the sprays, how would it still absorb odors if you mixed it with water in a spray bottle?
  22. Anybody else's kids play? My oldest daughter is playing in the 9th & 10th grade division.
  23. Re: hog hunt. check out www.bowsafari.com $250 for 2 hogs & 2 days, 2 nights lodging, bring your own food, in Coalgate, OK. I went there last month and got 2 nice hogs, 1 @ 100lbs & 1 @ 150lbs after being field dressed.
  24. Re: Mechanical or Fixed.................... I've shot both, and now i'm of the opinion that it dosn't matter what you shoot as long as the shot placement is good. I've shot NAP Spitfire 100 gr. for whitetails, had 1 pass thru and one that i hit pretty high went in abiut 3 in. but never recovered. Then on my recent hog hunt i shot muzzy 100gr. 3 blade fixed head and had complete pass thru's on both hogs, but i hit them right. so, as I said a the start of this post, SHOT PLACEMENT IS EVERYTING!!
  25. Re: Oklahoma hog hunt pics. I got them both on Sat eve 5/14/05. about 15 min. apart shot both @ about 10-15 yds, complete pass thru on both. I was shooting a Hoyt magnatec @ 65 lb. 29" draw, beeman ics 500 @ 26" w/ muzzy 100gr 3 blade. Both went less than 20 yds. There were 9 hunters in camp that weekend, 2 went home w/ nothing but a memory, 3 went home w/ 1 hog, and 4 of us went home w/ our limit of 2. If you get a chance i would give them a try, www.bowsafari.com. Also, if any of you OK boys are in that area and don't do your own processing, I would highly recomend P & P Processing in Coalgate, great guys w/a great turn around time, we dropped off 3 hogs sun. @ about 9 a.m. and they had them done by 1:00 p.m., I wish I lived closer so I could give them all my business.