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Everything posted by wyohunter

  1. wyohunter

    should I try?

    Re: should I try? perhaps get the landowner to put up a size limit, and let you or someone else police it for him,talking to these type indiviuals seems hopeless.....
  2. Re: Is a rifle a good gift for the wife? if she is showing interest in shooting she'd love her own rifle, heck would'nt you..
  3. Re: Some illegal things that don\'t make sense. if that poisonous snakes on my land or close its dead, i had one of my dogs bitten by a rattlesnake a couple years ago, in my front yard, now what if this was your child?????? luckly my wifey was home and got it to the vets in time.......as far as the dogs, well i'd have to have a long chat with the neighbors first before the varmint rifle got out of the cabinet.....