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Everything posted by need2hunt

  1. Also the boxes say 140 GR Nosler Partition
  2. 7mm Remington Ultra Mag BRASS - I have 4 boxes of 20, plus 3 loose casings. They were my buddy's and he gave them to me before moving out of state. I'm not a reloader so my knowledge of these are limited but will try to answer any questions, or can post photos if needed. Make a reasonable offer, Thanks
  3. Bump... if anyone is interested I'll entertain reasonable offers
  4. I have a new in the box Trophy Ridge React 5-pin Camo Sight. When you set your 20 & 30 yard pin it automatically sets your 40, 50, 60. Nice sight, well built, I'm just way to used to my single pin sight to switch. Retail price is $159.99 Your price $120 shipped to the lower 48 Trophy Ridge React 5-Pin Bow Sight : Cabela's
  5. I run Adobe Premiere for most of my video work. Have run Final Cut 7 also, the current version is Final Cut X but have heard a lot of bad things about it so never upgraded. Both of these programs carry a heftier price tag than what you might need to use. If your just looking to cut some stuff together for YouTube or something like that you might be better off with a consumer based video editor that might not have as many options but would probably be easier to learn and easier on the wallet.
  6. 1. What would you use this product for? a. Wipe for cleaning surfaces b. Wipe for cleaning hands & face c. Wipes used after going the bathroom (#2) d. Wipes used in cars or when traveling A,B,C,D 2. Is it clear from the product that the product is for use after going to the bathroom (#2) ? a. Yes b. No YES 3. Assuming price is not a factor, how likely would you be to purchase this product? a. Definitely b. Probably c. Might or Might Not d. Probably Not e. Definitely Not B 4. Is Port-O-Wipes an appropriate name for wipes that take the place of toilet paper “on the go”? a. Yes b. No YES 5. What would you call them? a. Port-O-Wipes b. Butt Wipes c. Outback Wipes d. Moist Toilet Tissue e. Other (please specify _____________________) A or C
  7. Sorry for the late reply - Ild say 75% Yellows, 25% Greys
  8. I picked 196 of them on monday in Northern Missouri... looks like its going to be a good year. Anyone else finding any?
  9. Hoping to get over there Saturday
  10. Ruth, I had shot a carter 2shot while hunting and loved it as the trigger was set further back in my hand and I could wrap my index finger around the trigger and squeeze. When I started with the TV show I had to switch over to Scott release, I was given a Rhino but I didn't like how far I had to reach for the trigger on them, and struggled with it. After talking with Scott Archery and letting them know how I prefer to shoot they told me that I was shooting the wrong release and sent me a Rhino XT NCS with the swept back trigger. Now that I'm not with the show I still have my Carter release but it is my back-up, the Rhino XT NCS is what I shoot in stand and prefer.
  11. Longest bow kills have been at 50+ yards.
  12. Three deer bunched up like that = no shot. Other than that I would be in the same boat with Rhino
  13. [video=youtube_share;PVbPVfhzE0Y]
  14. i've shot both... i prefered the vert... above the two choices you gave i prefer and shoot a single pin adjustable
  15. I have been shooting Nikon for several years now so that's my brand preference, I currently have a D7000 and D800. For what you are talking about shooting you might just look at getting an 18-55 zoom ($135 at B&H) for the family stuff and then a 70-300 zoom ($160 at B&H) for the outdoor shooting. If I was just looking at the 2 Nikons I would go with the D5100, it has a higher effective pixel rate (16.2 million compared to the D90 12.3 million), better ISO setting options, and better movie options, and currently you can get it at a better price. The other options between the D90 and D5100 appear to be close enough to the same that they are a wash. B&H currently has a D90 with an 18-105 zoom for $1099... They also have a $200 instant savings on the D5100 through JUNE 30 (I know not much time left). They have a couple package deals with it one with a 18-55 zoom for a total of $646 after savings, and one with 18-55 and 55-200 zoom lenses, 16 gig sd card and 2 UV lens filters for $896 after savings. Hope this helps G
  16. Only road trip I am hoping to do is over to Missouri also, have a few different properties over there that we can hunt.
  17. I used to use fixed blades all the time and then I tried the NAP Spitfire expandable. I've seen more animals go down quicker and have better blood trails than any of the other heads I've used. I know that part of that is confidence, spitfire is the first head that hit exactly the same as my field tips. So not having to mess with my set-up right before season to get broad heads hitting correctly definitely made my confidence and accuracy go up. I'm not against fixed blades, just found what works best for me and don't plan to fix what isn't broke.
  18. LOL Didn't need a light, just needed someone to cut down a 6 foot pine tree
  19. Nope not Vicki... I filmed her a decent amount around the office and down in pike county, out of all the people I've filmed she is probably one of the best people to hunt/film with as far as easy to get along with, having fun, and not looking to blame the cameraman for every little thing that goes wrong. Rhino - yes that hurt, and now that you guys are dredging up bad memories I realized that I did have to say no to something bigger than that whitetail while running camera... you want pain lol? Try telling your hunter no to a bull elk at 10 yards on the ground.... ooooooouuuucchhhhh!!
  20. Mid 140's 10 point is the biggest I've passed on with my bow. 180's is the biggest I've had to call a hunter off as a cameraman
  21. So the other day we went to get Katelyn her hunting license and a youth season turkey tag. The guy at walmart asked if we were going to hunt migratory birds. We said no. He said you have to be hunting migratory birds you bought a turkey tag!
  22. Well first off if your going with a large fixed blade broadhead like the guillotine make sure that it won't come into contact with the stirrup or any other part of your crossbow. I know that NAP makes some broadheads specifically for crossbows and if I was looking at body shooting a turkey I would look at the NAP FOC (Freaking Outrageous Cut). Here are the possibilities as I see them... Head shot, if you hit it he's dead, if your good L-R and are a little low you cut the spinal cord and he's dead. If you miss or he moves he has a high percentage that he will not be injured. Body shot - either facing you with placement at the base of the beard, or fanned out facing away with placement up the old oil can. You hit your spot and he's dead, your low or L-R is off by a few inches and he might be injured, your high and you might get the spinal cord and he's dead. Body Shot broadside - Placement at wingbutts. Hit your mark and he's dead, little high and have the chance to cut the spinal cord and he's dead, little low and have the chance of either still hitting vitals or breaking his wings or hip/legs so he can't walk/fly and he can be finished off. I've killed many turkeys with a shotgun but only one with a bow... in my instance I did not have a clear shot at the body and decided to shoot for the head, my shot was a little low catching it in the neck between the head and body cutting the spinal cord and killing it.
  23. I'll add to pointing dogs first two points... Once you find the roost you'll pretty much know where they will start from every morning... that's the easy part... find out where they like to go once they fly down and the route they take to get there... then set-up in between... always remember it's much easier to call a bird in to somewhere he wanted to go in the first place I've killed more birds after 10 in the morning than I have first thing in the morning. Turkeys are repetitive, if you see or hear a tom somewhere check your watch and be there the next day before he gets there.