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Everything posted by c_lou

  1. Re: Got one with the rifle yesterday morning Congrats. Nice deer and good story.
  2. c_lou

    It's Official

    Re: It\'s Official Congrats on the newest addition. Glad to hear mom and baby are doing good. Now onto those 2am feeding.
  3. c_lou

    Nov 20th

    Re: Nov 20th Congrats to you and the Mrs. My wife it also excited about the hunting season...it means she gets to go shopping. Kind of her own hunting season.
  4. If that's where the girls are, I would think that's where he will stay. Good Luck to you.
  5. c_lou

    Could this be it?

    Re: Could this be it? Sounds like the real deal. Good Luck. Say goodbye to a good night's sleep. Congrats on the young one.
  6. Re: Really came together-(pic) Congrats!! Nice looking buck.
  7. c_lou


    Re: Question A bigger Buck Seriously, a nice new bow.
  8. c_lou

    Gas Prices?

    Re: Gas Prices? $1.64. I guess that beats the $1.89 we were paying a few months ago.
  9. c_lou

    Pretty cool

    It's nice when we can pass on our hobbies/obsession to young ones. Especially if they are our own. Keep her practicing.
  10. c_lou


    Re: ITS SNOWING!!! Sunny and 50 degrees here. I actually thought about not coming back to work. To nice not to be in a tree today.
  11. Re: Is Fall really here? Yup, suppose to be in the upper 30's tonight for lows. Upper 60's during the day for the next 5 days.
  12. Re: Heres a few backyard pics Nice Pics! Seeing deer just gets me revved up for October.
  13. Re: Tip Of The Week Great tip! It's amazing how long a deer will actually stand there to look for the noise.
  14. c_lou

    Little girl

    Re: Little girl WOW. That was definatly worth reading. I think I will give my daughter an extra few hugs tonite. Thanks for posting.
  15. c_lou

    Neck shots

    Re: Neck shots If a neck shot presents its self I will take it. However, I consider myself a very good shot. If you can't place a neck shot then I would say don't take one. Don't get me wrong I will take a broadside shot everytime. However, some times deer won't let you take a broadside shot.
  16. Re: best tasting animal on the planet. I would have to say it is the Kangaroo meat at McDonalds and... J/K Venison Deep Fried Turkey - Not Healthy, but soooo good