Tim Andrus

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Everything posted by Tim Andrus

  1. yep it worked out for sure...
  2. Let me be 1st to say congrats Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!! it says polls are closed ..
  3. thats ok, Im sure Ill have a show someday you can make...
  4. its looking good, so happy for him... Its a good showing by all of us here..
  5. It going to be august 28,29th LL Bean Freeport...
  6. Your always invited Ruth !
  7. they are all at my house baking me cookies , let them be...
  8. nice pics , Made me realize how log its been since Ive been there
  9. Tim Andrus

    New member

    selling garbage
  10. Tim Andrus

    New member

    deleted post
  11. yep he will do better at home . Bless his parents for what theve been through
  12. Ruth have used thier stuff before no complaints you cant beat $30 anyway
  13. Looks like Ill be headed to Maine again this time a guest of LL Bean in august. Will post details soon
  14. hey muff I know the feeling might get hired sunday for OT Steve Those guys in white are always following me cant shake them LOL
  15. Even though its not the nicest days outside I opted for a sick day today.. gonna get some turkey gear together and just have a nice quiet day . My girls are still in florida where its in the 80s I sit here in the 40s go figure
  16. enjoy your travels Steve be careful