Tim Andrus

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Everything posted by Tim Andrus

  1. Yea Mike just 2 days drive home monday after snow is cleared up work 3 days and fly to Boston for Worcester show with Deer City crew for 3 days . then take a break for a week then off to Philly for 4 days with Deer City crew
  2. Well it looks like mother nature hasnt forgoten me ...storm warnings for Harrisurg PA 10-12 inches of snow.. Hopefully I can beat most of it a 5 1/2 hr drive in good weather sooo if your planning on going drive careful If I wasnt advertised being there I dont think Id be going but another storm to talk about LOL
  3. At Cabela's botth saturday ,sunday will come over to say hello to you two and Jill
  4. call me what you want but here I sit with a tall glass of milk waiting....lol
  5. When they do catch him and they will I hope he gets what most molesters get in prison.. the rest is better left unsaid
  6. Arent they low fat ?? no one has sighed up yet hmmmm And I just secured a prize thru Realtree....
  7. That Id be a judge for a cookie contest??:jaw: Another path as a pro staffer here. Looking forward to it...Check the womans room for more details.. Tim
  8. looks like a good turn out looking forward to seeing everyone!
  9. you can call main office, 1 800 992 9968 ask operator for whom to speak to
  10. Yea dan, I dont look as good as her in Max 1 lol
  11. Barnes Expanders, 250gr work the best in my TC Encore
  12. thanks good start of people making it out, long term weather looks good for 1st weekend
  13. whose all planning on attending the Eastern Sports Show in Harrisburg, Pa ? Ill be there the first weekend at the Cabela's booth...make sure if you come to stop by and say hello!!
  14. Harrisburg is a good idea , but too close time wise .. We need to get a sign up and deadline etc Ruth ... take over if you can..
  15. CHOCOLATE CHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no allergies maybe to Mossy Oak!!!!!
  16. We need more traffic in here...sooo I stepped up to the plate and will have a cookie contest. You bake them and send them to me ( tough job as a judge) and the winner will get a...... to be determined later.. Seriously if interested let me know Be deemed Realtree Cookie maker of the year........
  17. Apology accepted ! We all have those moments... but few will answer to them.
  18. Well Full Fan, I too work a regular job usually 16 hours at a crack. And Im a average guy like you. Never once said I was better than anyone. As far as hunts go 40 plus outa state here 5 with outfitters (friends) the rest were DIY hunts I scouted ,hung stands and alot of times came home empty handed.. Anyway, thats my 2 cents here
  19. happy belated birthday! hope it was good Mike!