NS whitetail

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Everything posted by NS whitetail

  1. Hello everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…
  2. Way to go everyone, the most awesome time of year. We are allowed two deer here in Nova Scotia but our lobster season starts November 28 so Iโ€™m all done as far as I know. Good luck to all ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  3. I had a problem trying to get on on my phone but it all good now ๐Ÿ‘
  4. Hey teammates , I got us some points. I took this nice 9 pointer back on Nov 4. I was sitting in my tree and saw a white flicker over in the woods about 200 yards down the power line I hunt on. I got my binoculars up and started looking and bammm all I see was horns step out lol. Got my gun up and one shot dropped him in his tracks. ๐Ÿ‘
  5. Got this nice 9 pointer back on November 4. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  6. Letโ€™s get her done. I was on the team that tied for first place last year๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  7. I still pop in once in a while. Miss the good old days
  8. NS whitetail

    Been a while

    Congratulations Al. I pop in every once in a while. I sure do miss the good old days when this was the place to be
  9. NS whitetail


    I told you a few months back that I got saved and decided to live a better life. This past Sunday, the girlfriend and I took the next step in our faith and we both got baptized. Itโ€™s an amazing feeling My life has been so much better since I put the Lord in it ???
  10. Itโ€™s been terrible cold here lately as well. The wind goes right through ya itโ€™s so cold. Iโ€™m out on the ocean most days and itโ€™s not great for being almost May.
  11. So the huge check will be in the mail ? ??? Like every year, itโ€™s been fun. Congrats to everyone. Iโ€™ll be in for next season too ??
  12. May God bless you. Heal well my friend
  13. Happy New Year ?? Iโ€™ll be in bed by 8 pm this evening lol I have to get up at 3:30 am. Tomorrow will make 7 days in a row out on the ocean lobster fishing. We are having an awesome season so far ???
  14. Merry Christmas everyone ???
  15. Back in September the girlfriend and I started going to church, itโ€™s the first time for me in about 7 years. On November 14 I made one of the biggest and smartest decisions in my life , I asked and accepted the Lord into my life and became a Christian. I actually feel like a different person and I am so happy that I did. ?
  16. Yup I see we have a tie going on now lol. Great job everyone ?
  17. Finally after 28 times sitting in the same tree I got the chance to harvest a beautiful buck. November 17 at 8:20 am he walked out around 220 yards and offered the shot, I dropped him in his tracks. 7 points.
  18. Very nice ?. I finally got it done too yesterday morning. I got a nice 7 pointer. Iโ€™ll enter it tomorrow when I get the chance ?
  19. Very nice guys , congrats. Our rifle season just opened today ?
  20. NS whitetail

    Been awhile!

    Good to hear from ya Gator. So sorry to hear about your daughter. Good luck hunting ?