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Everything posted by Leo

  1. I really feel like we would of had one of those longbeards or both if not for those wild hogs! 60yds and heading to us is pretty committed. It was a heartbreaker end to a hunt that could have been a last minute success. Well if nothing else you can say you had quite a few jakes within shotgun range in 2 1/2 days of hunting. We didn't move around a lot but we didn't suffer for lack of seeing birds. Just not the right ones. The right ones are there. You got to see them. But that's how it goes on turkey hunts. Sometimes you need just one more day! Hope you make it back sometime. It was a pleasure.
  2. Leo

    Call Chalk

    Here's a money saving tip. Go buy a box of Crayola Sidewalk Chalk (the washable kind). It's oil free. You'll have enough box chalk to last years Different colors create different tones. Have fun with it. Birds around here seem to like it best when I use the yellow chalk on my box. Yours might like something else.
  3. Leo

    Box Calls

    Try this purple heart call from Perfection. http://www.perfectionturkeycalls.com/frictioncalls.asp For calling birds from a LONG ways off the Screaming Demon II really seems to earn it's name. I keep a piece of Scotchbrite in my vest to keep it sweet. Ruttinbuc has personally witnessed this call pulling in far off birds with me.
  4. Hee Hee! Yep that jake was about 10ft behind Ruttinbuc's head BAWHALALALALA!!! Talk about a nerve rattler! He had a long deep chest rattling gobble. Not at all like jakes normally do. There was a distinct difference between the gobbling this dude was doing and the jake we called in yesterday morning, that bird had the typical jake "short gobble". All I can say is, sometimes jakes get it early. This one sure did. I thought for sure it was one of the swamp sultans and he was gonna take a shoulder ride out that morning. When that turkey answered my tree yelps, I looked at Mike an said, "We're gonna kill this bird. He sounds like a real old one." Joke was on me. But it was still a classic hunt that went text book from roost to setup. One more year is all that bird needs.
  5. Prayers sent my friend. This is hard news for certain
  6. I want to emphasize one thing. Aubrey can shoot! This was impressive shooting for sure. He shot all three of those pigs at 200 yards or more. Two of them were running shots. Three shots three pigs. Even though we were on the other farm I heard all three shots. I looked at Mike and said that came from Aubrey's. I remember telling Aubrey I heard three shots when we got there. Aubrey thought he missed one when we got there but when Mike went with him to finish off that one, they quickly found the third.
  7. The field I'm walking to the island in is a small food plot (1 1/2 acre) that normally has Chufas in it. About three years is max you can plant Chufas in the same spot. This plot has rested for two years so it should be ready next year. That swamp is what I have to deal with. Some big birds stay in there and never come out. They just fly from island to island. You can't wade it. It's full of alligators and moccasins. You also can't hardly navigate it with a boat. If you do and pick the wrong island it's a wasted morning for an awful lot of effort. Your best bet is to try and pull one to the edge where you can get a shot.
  8. Ironic isn't it? The land of Robin Hood and no bowhunting is allowed. We are quite fortunate in this country. But honestly, the same thing could happen to us. An ignorant majority can vote away privileges just as easily here.
  9. That first gobbling jake of the morning got within 28 yards. In this more open setup taking a picture wasn't possible. That was gobbler #2 for the hunt we had in range but we can't shoot jakes on this land so we let him walk.
  10. Well told. I'm gonna have to snag a copy when you're done and give it to Aubrey.
  11. Randy, Maybe you'll inspire them to make bowhunting legal in England again. Hope you didn't have any broadheads in your bowcase going through customs.
  12. SCAM SCAM SCAM! Assume anyone sending you an email asking for personal information is a scammer. Also assume if they call you by phone and won't give you a number to call back they are scammers.
  13. That's the same one I use. Typically it pulls in a hot hen and the gobbler follows. Need to be careful with those things though they can get you shot!
  14. Glad to see you made it home safely. I still feel like I just woke up!
  15. Prayers sent. Don't stress yourself worrying.
  16. One dozen arrows. Two shots! Gonna need a bigger quiver!
  17. No sooner than tomorrow. Ruttinbuc has a 14hr drive to get home and he's gonna need some rest when he gets there. BTW, I was quite pleased with myself to get a picture of that bird next to my hand painted decoy that hid his spurs and beard so well. I was thinking. Oh boy is that a teaser! His head isn't perfect but turkeys seem to really like shouldering up to this decoy. I'm not messing with him any more!
  18. Ruttinbuc still has to tell the story. Here's a teaser from his turkey hunting adventure.
  19. Kill as many of them as you can.
  20. Near Hilton Head Island. The last rain we had flooded the swamps enough to bring pigs out of the swamps. There hasn't been any seen on this farm for over ten years. The rising water has pushed the wild hogs into the fields.
  21. He left this morning, I think he won't be forgetting his turkey hunt here for a long long time! I'll let him tell the story when he gets back home. Probably won't be until tomorrow. He has a 14 hour drive ahead of him and is gonna be pretty wore out. It was an excellent time! I enjoyed it. Here's a teaser photo for now.
  22. Haven't broken up good yet is the most probable reason. Once turkeys get to jake stage pretty much all that kills them is disease and man. I wouldn't think all those jakes have the same daddy and someone got him last year. From personal experience I can tell you that I've killed and seen quite a few longbeards after passing up jakes. These are birds I wouldn't have seen if I hadn't passed on the jakes.
  23. Gee Mike. Not putting a little pressure on me telling everyone you're headed my way are ya? LOL! We're getting hammered with weather right now. It's supposed to clear up tomorrow but still be very windy. Saturday is supposed to be better and rain is forecast for Sunday. No excuses, we'll work hard and if the good Lord wants to send a couple longbeards our way. I believe he will.
  24. I often see bachelor groups of jakes hanging around hen flocks before the season kicks in. Sometimes this behavior continues into the season some. Gobblers are still in bachelor groups at this time as well. They are less social with the hens until breeding instinct kicks in. Just before the flocks break up they'll start hanging around the hen flocks trying to tempt one away. I'd say the longbeards are probably not far.