Hee Hee! Yep that jake was about 10ft behind Ruttinbuc's head BAWHALALALALA!!! Talk about a nerve rattler!
He had a long deep chest rattling gobble. Not at all like jakes normally do. There was a distinct difference between the gobbling this dude was doing and the jake we called in yesterday morning, that bird had the typical jake "short gobble". All I can say is, sometimes jakes get it early. This one sure did. I thought for sure it was one of the swamp sultans and he was gonna take a shoulder ride out that morning.
When that turkey answered my tree yelps, I looked at Mike an said, "We're gonna kill this bird. He sounds like a real old one." Joke was on me. But it was still a classic hunt that went text book from roost to setup. One more year is all that bird needs.