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Well I for one am feeling a lot better. I was really starting to get concerned. Sure am glad to see you back on here.
Plus one more! The blue loctite absolutely should fix it.
Soak breast meat fillets in buttermilk overnight in the refrigerator. Take them out and while they are still dripping, sprinkle them all over with Chef Reese Williams Cajun shake (Bass Pro carries it). Shake them in a bag of unbleached bread flour to thoroughly coat them. (Don't use self rising flour!!!) Put a 1/4" of Olive in a skillet on medium heat. Time and fry one side of the fillets until blood starts to come thru the flour on the top side. Flip and cook for the same amount of time on the other side. Serve the fillets on top of freshly cut and ripe Mango slices. Wild rice or Orzo makes a good side with this.
Three members of one family on Realtree is pretty impressive! Congrats.
Ditto with emphasis on the velcro comment!!! Nothing is worse than drawing back on the animal of your dreams and hearing the "UUUURRRRRPPPP!" of velcro slipping. It's game over then. Velcro on a release strap is a disaster waiting to happen.
If you are shooting with a string loop I would highly recommend a Carter Quickie.
Sounds like you need one of those wind up traps. You just wind it up and it will catch something like 15 mice before you have to set it again.
Sounds like shock weakening not a knot strength issue. And yep Fluoro doesn't take as many shocks as Mono does before it's seriously weakened. But Mono will get weakened the same way. You then have to do just what you described. Strip off several yards and discard them to get to "good" line. Fluoro is a poor line for fishing fast current or flipping because of this. Mono is better, but not by a huge margin. I'd recommend a superbraid like Powerpro or Suffix for what you're doing. These lines also need a Palomar or it will slip and they aren't fussy about being wet to tighten. You do need to wrap your starter knot on the reel spool with tape when spooling up though or the whole works will spin on your spool, instead of the drag working. (Yikes! Makes a mess, Been there done that lesson learned.) These lines will also ruin standard line clippers, so use a knife or a pair of little Fiskars Scissors to cut it. The big disadvantage with those lines is they are opaque and very visible to fish, so where finesse and clear water is involved they aren't great. But strength wise and endurance wise they are IMO tops.
Good thing he didn't ask him when the last time was he had and election.
My brother's ex-girlfriend worked at an E.R. in Birmingham. What she often came home with from that experience was pretty shocking. But one thing in particular stuck with me. EVERY SINGLE DAY, they checked in at least one person under the age of 16 with a brain injury from falling off an ATV not wearing a helmet. This was a daily event, not often, not frequent, every single day! It was going to happen, they expected it. Get the picture? This is just one city! The E.R. determined it was an unavoidable event. It was routine for them. Are you disgusted yet? Seriously, if you think it will never be you. You will have LOTS of company! It's clear, kids especially need to wear one. They are kids after all. They "try stuff", that's what kids do. Seriously, I heard so many horror stories when my brother was dating this girl I'm not ever letting a kid drive one of these without a helmet, if I have anything to say about it. I personally know a guy in his 20s that fragged his skull on an ATV. He will NEVER, absolutely NEVER be able to work again in his life. He was just cutting up in front of his house and ended up in a coma for 2 1/2 months. I like ATVs, I really do but I'm a whole lot more careful on them nowadays.
The Palomar is a great strong knot. This tip really helps. I wet the knots with my lips before I tighten them. In my experience, it makes an astonishing difference in how strong the knots are. If you get really good at it everyone will swear that line is stronger than it actually is.
My apologies but I NEED TO HAMMER THIS POINT HOME! If you try any Fluorocarbon Line you absolutely need to only use Palomar Knots and WET the knot on the line before you tighten it. Failure to wet the knot before you tighten will produce a weak knot almost every time on fluorocarbon. Don't take chances, do it right. If you don't follow that advice I GUARANTEE you will convince yourself fluorocarbon is junk. You WILL hate fluorocarbon if you treat it like you're used to treating mono. It's not the same as mono. It's not junk, but using it requires different concerns than mono. I'm convinced the fluoro stuff is less visible to fish than mono. I'm also sure it gets me more hits. IMHO, it's worth knowing how to use correctly.
I'm not an ice fisherman but I have fished cold weather. I would think Fluorocarbon is the best way to go. Try Berkley Transition. Just make sure you wet your knots before tightening them down or they won't tighten down right. Fluoro sticks to itself rather well and prevents you from tightening knots right when it's dry. Trust me on that. Save yourself the frustration. A Palomar knot is much easier to tie and stronger than a clinch knot on Fluorocarbon. Both Monofilaments and braided lines absorb water while you're using them. To me that would be a major disadvantage where the water content in the line can freeze as you are reeling in. The Fluoro should stay much more limber and prevent the "bait at the end of a stick" action.
In that case that TaskForce light from Lowe's is perfect. We've got two of them. They are the Dog walking lights we regularly use. Put three Energizer lithium AAAs in it and it lasts a LONG time.
Task Force makes a nice one at about that price. They sell them at Lowes. Works and acts like a much more expensive flashlight. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=174261-50584-FT-NS-3AAA%206L&lpage=none
You can upload images here as well.
Great news! Prayers answered.
It was a good seat for a spectator but not if you wanted to play the game Always a pleasure to chat with Steve. Don't know why I haven't called in so long.
We use both everyday. Mainly because my wife does a lot of work on the computer at home and Firefox chokes on the activeX controls that are needed for her work websites. So she does all her stuff in IE. I like Firefox because it handles everyday browsing very neatly and I can do some things much easier. For a dial up connection. FireFox wins hands down. The way it prioritizes images and loads pages is much friendlier and faster for folks with slower connections. If you need to visit sites with a lot of ActiveX controls than IE still is king. It's IEs protocol these things are written for, so for now, it's still the best choice for that. A lot of times a new or different browser program seems to run much better simply because the older program was dealing with too much obsolete history and an infected cache. It's this kind of garbage that slows a new computer that was super fast at first way way down. Many folks throw up their hands and buy a new computer figuring the old one just isn't fast enough nowadays. Almost every time the real culprit is trash in the system slowing you down not that your hardware is obsolete. The different browser isn't really that much faster, it's just "cleaner". Programs like Wincleaner One Click and Fix It Utilities 9 can seriously boost performance on aging systems and save you big money. A Geek Squad visit will fix you up, as will a new computer but those two programs I mentioned are probably your cheapest option
This is from my recent trip to Arkansas. The levy marks the border of the property we were allowed to hunt. The field these snow geese were landing in was off limits. We got to watch them dump in there for four hours. Sure would have liked to put a sneak on this group of birds. The flock was so big that my brother couldn't photograph it with less zoom. This was taken from the blind.
How do you borrow yourself out of debt? Ans: Bankruptcy
My brother and I decided to try our luck fishing in Alabama near Birmingham Saturday. It rained most of the day so we didn't get a lot of pictures. We were just ahead of a cold front and the water was at 55F. Those two things make bass hungry. We planned to find shad schools and vertical jig under them. It was a good plan until the bass drove the shad to the surface and went nuts! It was crazy we were swapping between fishing near the top and jigging down low. We caught 16 for the day. Not bad at all for bassing in January and our fish official trip of the new year! Here's one of my biggest for the day. A nice fat one. He took a finesse worm up top when he was smashing a school of panicked threadfins. My brother took the big fish for the day with this one. It took a Tsunami Shad jig off the bottom.
Truly scary! Prayers Sent! Hope they let you spend the night there with her. It helps to have someone you know in the hospital with you.
Good eye Randy. Yep, NE Ark Flooded rice.