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Everything posted by IowaDeerHunter

  1. I know I read when the mosquito came out that they had problems ejecting...but those have been fixed from what I have read. I know people say though once you find the right ammo they are sweet! And she really wants a pink the Ruger is kinda out. :/
  2. Check out the newest video as we prep and plant a food plot and Brandon gets his first deer kill ever off of it opening weekend in Iowa!!!! Only 14 more weeks!
  3. Looking for a handgun for my girlfriend. She handled the Sig Sauer P220 Mosquito the other day (pink one) and fell in I'd like to surprise her sometime. Just looking for something in .22 caliber for recreational shooting. I do not know much about pistols, but it needs to have pink in it lol I was also looking at the Walther p22 in pink digital camo....any feedback on either of these or other ideas?
  4. Hey guys and gals! To help pass the time to hunting season we are putting up one new video a week on our website. Each Monday we will have something new whether it be a bow or gun hunt, or off season preparation! Check it out and let me know what you think!
  5. 3 year old Gateway Laptop Model MX8734 *1GB Hardrive *320GB Ram *17.1" LCD Screen *Windows Vista Home Premium *1.67Ghz *Intel Petnium Dual Core Processor *Modem, LAN, and WAN *NOT the cd drive doesn't work, it opens but sometimes it loads the cd sometimes it doesn't. Still great for surfing the internet or typing anything. *Show normal signs of wear, nothing extravagent, no chips or cracks or anything. *Comes with charger Any other questions please ask! Asking $150TYD
  6. I have for sale a brand new (open box) 1 TB Western Digital External Hardrive.....cot me $115 new....asking $80TYD Just like this one.....
  7. T-Bone said they would be coming out soon....
  8. Have a few cams to sell from Mathews bow....all right hand, al good condition! (1) Switchback XT RH 29" (3) Mathews Ignition 24", 25" and a 26" $35TYD per cam
  9. Did UNI upset your guys' brackets? lol GO PANTHERS!!!
  10. To bad you don't have time to stop Randy....I am only 4 miles from Dike. I also heard they closed safe, it's a little icy out there.
  11. Well season ended tonight. It has been our best season thus far as we harvested 20ish deer and our top two bucks on our hit list. Could have shot numerous deer late season here but was waiting for the right buck.....the two feet of snow kinda set us back to. I will be posting my pics of my bow buck and tags soon here (entering them).
  12. I think that will be the one I go with! Thanks WaCoyote!!!!
  13. Trust me on will not be dissappointed with Barnes Spitfire TMZ 250 grain and blackhorn powder.....the barnes bullets pedal out perfect everytime and I have never had them break--->they are solid copper. Give it a shot
  14. Santa already bought me new arrows and a new farm....not sure much else is in the cards this year... (but I can't complain) And I appreciate the response it did help me out
  15. I would say 9-10 inches in my part of Iowa. It has pretty much quit snowing but is bloooowin hard.
  16. I am looking to get an electronic call to use for coyotes. Seen this one at Cabelas....anyone have any experience with it or can you recommend a good one (like to stay under $100).
  17. Ya its a little like a blizzard accross Iowa now...
  18. I got three of them. One the said the batteries were dead and would not work, the second one all daytime picture were white the third worked and I loved it. Now I went to check the third one this weekend and it is now taking all white daytime looks like I am sending in all three....hey at least they replace them though.
  19. I am really surprised what dad got out of the gun. Scheels offered $300, Cabelas $350, and the local dealer gave us $400! I was quite surprised with those numbers...